ynunokawa / L.esri.WebMap

A leaflet plugin to display ArcGIS Web Map.
MIT License
22 stars 21 forks source link


Build Status

A plugin to display ArcGIS Web Map on Leaflet maps.

You can see it with just 1 line code.

// L.esri.WebMap(webmapId, { map: L.Map });
var webmap = L.esri.webMap('22c504d229f14c789c5b49ebff38b941', { map: L.map('map') });

Web Map has an enormous spec. So, welcome your contributions to support fully!


You can see your web maps (that are open to the public) with URL parameter as the below.

http://ynunokawa.github.io/L.esri.WebMap/index.html?webmap=[your webmap id]

Development Instructions

  1. Fork and clone L.esri.WebMap
  2. cd into the L.esri.WebMap folder
  3. Install the dependencies with npm install
  4. Run npm start from the command line. This will compile minified source in a brand new dist directory, launch a tiny webserver and begin watching the raw source for changes.
  5. Run npm test to make sure you haven't introduced a new 'feature' accidentally.
  6. Make your changes in its own topic branch and create a pull request


Please see here.


Copyright 2016 Yusuke Nunokawa.