yocontra / rtc-everywhere

Cross-everything WebRTC mega-project
MIT License
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What is this?

Sick of the incompatible mess of vendor prefixes, adapters, plugins, extensions, and native modules? rtc-everywhere aims to provide a spec-compliant WebRTC implementation in as many environments as possible.

Supported Environments

:computer: Desktop

:iphone: Mobile


Getting Started

npm install rtc-everywhere --save
var rtc = require('rtc-everywhere')();

// Available:
// rtc.RTCPeerConnection
// rtc.RTCIceCandidate
// rtc.RTCSessionDescription
// rtc.getUserMedia
// rtc.attachStream(stream, videoElement)

:crystal_ball: Want a more detailed example that uses these functions? Check out the loopback stream example!



Exactly the same as the specification. See the Specification Documentation!


Exactly the same as the specification. See the Specification Documentation!


Exactly the same as the specification. See the Specification Documentation!

getUserMedia(constraints, cb)

Similar to the specification, but slightly adjusted to have an easier API.

// these are the same thing
rtc.getUserMedia(function(err, stream){});
rtc.getUserMedia({video: true, audio: true}, function(err, stream){});

attachStream(stream, element)

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