yoeden / wearthat

Apache License 2.0
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Flutter Wear ⌚

Flutter wear is a library for flutter aspiring to be a one-stop shop for all related features for android wear (We're not there yet, but will slowly get there πŸ™ƒ).

This library is still in very very early development, and breaking changes may be introduced every version !

Buy Me A Coffee

Planned features πŸ“‹


  1. With Dart: $ dart pub add flutter_wear

  2. With Flutter: $ flutter pub add flutter_wear

  3. Manually:

    benchmark: ^0.3.0

Don't forget to set android compileSdkVersion to 34 and minSdkVersion to 28 in the build.gradle !

android {
  compileSdkVersion 34
  defaultConfig {
    minSdkVersion 28

Features ✨

Communication between devices πŸ“ž

Get all available nodes :

final nodes = Wear.getNodes();

Send message to device :

// Path is like route, to know where to direct to message
Wear.send(WearMessage.string("PATH", data), nodeId: watch.id /* or phone */);

Send message to all devices (Fit for cases where only one device is connected) :

Wear.send(WearMessage.string("PATH", data));

Listen for incoming messages :

Wear.listen("PATH", _onIncomingMessage);

// Dont forget to removeListener !
Wear.removeListener("PATH", _onIncomingMessage);

Tiles 🍫

Tiles can finally be made using Flutter πŸ’™ !

The following code :

class WeatherTile extends Tile<WeatherInfo> {
  const WeatherTile();

  Future<WeatherInfo?> createState() {
    return FakeWeatherProvider().getWeather();

  TileWidget build(TileContext context, WeatherInfo? state) {
    if (state == null) return const Text("Something went wrong...");

    return PrimaryLayout(
      body: _Forecast(temperature: state.temperature),
      title: _Location(location: state.location),
      chip: _Humidity(humidity: state.humidity),

  Map<String, TileResourceProvider> resources(TileContext context, WeatherInfo? state) => {
        'forecast_cloudy_day': TileResources.asset("assets/weather/forecast_cloudy_day.png"),
        'forecast_humidity': TileResources.asset("assets/weather/forecast_humidity.png"),
        'location': TileResources.asset("assets/weather/location.png"),

My image

Notice of the tile is on the watch tiles carousal between other tiles (Tile Magic 😡).

Learn more about tiles here !

Reading Materials πŸ‘“