yogeshtakeo / BFS33_files

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create folder

open that folder in vscode

create a new repositary in github ( make sure to make that public )

once you get that github link go to your vscode where you opened that folder and got to the terminal > new terminal to open a new terminal instance

Git Status --- git status

U - Untracked / Untraced - This is a new File that has been created

follow the command step by step

  1. git init - initialises your repo to use git and will track for any changes that are done

  2. git remote add origin <url> - links the folder to the github repositary

  3. npx create-vite@latest <folder_name> - Creates a new folder with that will have your react project you just have to select the right configuration for it

  4. git add <file_name>: It moves the changes to the staging area where we can put a label onto it

  5. git commit -m "<your message goes here>" - it commits the chages into a group ans stores it locally to be pushed to the repositary

  6. git push --set-upstream origin <branch_name> / git push -u origin <branch_name> ----- to publish my branch with the changes that i have made freshly in my local system