yogeshtakeo / team-pair-programming

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BFD30 Bootcamp Frontend Development Repository

This repository is dedicated to publishing the code created by the students of Bootcamp Frontend Development 30 (BFD30). The students are actively engaged in pair programming and collaborating on various projects as part of their curriculum.

About Bootcamp Frontend Development 30

Bootcamp Frontend Development 30 (BFD30) is an intensive program designed to equip aspiring frontend developers with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the industry. Throughout the bootcamp, students participate in hands-on projects, practical exercises, and collaborative learning experiences.

Code Collaboration

In BFD30, students work in pairs and collaborate extensively on the assigned tasks within the projects. Pair programming is a methodology that promotes teamwork and knowledge sharing among developers. By working together, students can leverage their unique strengths and skills, foster creativity, and troubleshoot challenges more effectively.

Project Structure

This repository is organized based on the projects undertaken during the bootcamp. Each project has its own dedicated directory, containing the relevant code files and resources. The structure may vary depending on the specific requirements of each project, but generally, you can expect to find:

Please navigate to the respective project directories to explore the code and resources created by the students.

Getting Started

If you are a student or instructor of BFD30, you can clone this repository to access the code and collaborate with your pair programming partner. To clone the repository, use the following command:

git clone https://github.com/yogeshtakeo/team-pair-programming.git


This repository is exclusive to the students of BFD30, and contributions from outside parties are not accepted. However, if you are a BFD30 student, feel free to collaborate with your pair programming partner and submit your code for review and inclusion in this repository.


For any inquiries related to BFD30 or this repository, please reach out to the bootcamp organizers or instructors for assistance.

Happy coding!