yol / ethernet_mac

Tri-mode (10/100/1000) full-duplex FPGA ethernet MAC in VHDL
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10/100/1000 VHDL Ethernet MAC

This tri-mode full-duplex Ethernet MAC sublayer was developed in VHDL as an alternative to both commercial and free implementations for usage on FPGAs. Its main distinction is the focus on simplicity both in the external user interface and internal operation. Only essential Ethernet functionality is supported.

The core fully works on Xilinx Spartan 6 family FPGAs only at the moment. It was verified on hardware on a Trenz Electronic GmbH TE0600 GigaBee micromodule with a TE0603 baseboard.

The user interface is comprised of two FIFOs with a 8-bit data bus for packet transmission and reception, respectively.

This page is a short overview of the features and usage of the MAC. More information on the design and implementation can be found in the design document at https://github.com/yol/ethernet_mac_doc/raw/master/Thesis.pdf.



Decisively not supported:

Ideas for the future:


Using the core currently requires an installation of Xilinx ISE 14.7 (WebPack will work) for the TX FIFO generation. In preparation for both running the testbench and using the MAC in a project, please follow these steps:

Verifying the design

The source code includes the self-checking testbench entity ethernet_mac_tb.

If you have GHDL and make installed, you can start a basic functional verification in a behavioral simulation of the core by simply running

$ make prepare ISE_DIR=/path/to/14.7/ISE_DS/ISE
$ make check 

If everything works as expected, the last output line should read MAC functional check ended OK. Note that by default only a reduced set of tests is performed, you can modify the TEST_THOROUGH generic in ethernet_mac_tb.vhd to run the full test suite. ModelSim also works fine when you have the Xilinx libraries correctly imported. ISim will not unfortunately as it needs excessive amounts of system RAM when running the testbench.

Post-synthesis verification is also supported with the XC6SLX45-2FGG484 FPGA as sample target device. To get the simulation model, select the test_instance_spartan6 top module in the ISE hierarchy view and run the "Generate Post-Place & Route Simulation Model" process under "Implement Design" / "Place & Route" (or Post-Translate/Post-Map if desired). It was only tested in ModelSim, but other simulators are expected to work as well. You only need the following files for post-synthesis simulation (and a correctly linked Xilinx ISE simprim VHDL library):

Start the work.post_synthesis_spartan6 configuration then (not work.ethernet_mac_tb). When using ModelSim, you must set the time resolution to ps or finer. You might also want to set the TEST_MII_SETUPHOLD generic to TRUE for additional setup/hold time simulation. If you use the SDF file at netgen/par/test_instance_spartan6_timesim.sdf for delay modeling, apply it to the region /ethernet_mac_inst/test_instance_inst.

To test the design on actual hardware, follow the instructions in the ethernet_mac_test (benchmark) or Chips-Demo (example webserver user application) project.

Please note that while this design includes a testbench for most functionality and is proven in practice, it is still the result of a Bachelor's thesis and not a professional product. As such, all usage is at your own responsibility. This is especially true if you use the source code or any derivative product to operate nuclear facilities, life support, or other mission critical applications where human life or property may be at stake or endangered. See also the license and disclaimer.

Using the MAC

Basic project setup with Xilinx ISE 14.7:

The entity you will usually want to instantiate is ethernet_with_fifos. It includes all modules relevant for Ethernet operation and FIFOs for packet TX and RX. You need to include the following code in the head of your VHDL file to use the custom data types:

library ethernet_mac;
use ethernet_mac.ethernet_types.all;

The ports are as follows:

Port Function
clock_125_i 125 MHz unbuffered reference clock for GMII TX operation
reset_i Active-high asynchronous reset for the whole core
mac_address_i MAC address of the local entity, should not change after reset_i is deasserted
mii_tx_clk_i MII TX_CLK
mii_tx_er_o MII TX_ER
mii_tx_en_o MII TX_EN
mii_txd_o MII TXD
mii_rx_clk_i MII RX_CLK
mii_rx_er_i MII RX_ER
mii_rx_dv_i MII RX_DV
mii_rxd_i MII RXD
gmii_gtx_clk_o GMII GTX_CLK
miim_clock_i Clock used for MIIM operation
mdc_o MIIM MDC
mdio_io MIIM MDIO
link_up_o Link status indicator synchronous to miim_clock_i
speed_o Link speed indicator synchronous to miim_clock_i
speed_override_i Overrides the speed detected via MIIM if supplied, must be synchronous to miim_clock_i
tx_clock_i TX FIFO clock
tx_reset_o Synchronous reset for all logic using the TX FIFO
tx_data_i TX FIFO data
tx_wr_en_i TX FIFO write enable
tx_full_o TX FIFO full indication
rx_clock_i RX FIFO clock
rx_reset_o Synchronous reset for all logic using the RX FIFO
rx_empty_o RX FIFO empty indication
rx_rd_en_i RX FIFO read enable
rx_data_o RX FIFO data

The generics:

Generic Function
MIIM_PHY_ADDRESS MIIM address of the PHY (refer to its data sheet to see how this is configured on the PHY side)
MIIM_RESET_WAIT_TICKS Number of miim_clock_i cycles to wait until accessing registers after reset is deasserted
MIIM_POLL_WAIT_TICKS Number of miim_clock_i cycles to wait between polling the status and auto-negotiation registers
MIIM_CLOCK_DIVIDER Clock divider between miim_clock_i and mdc_o. Make sure that the frequency of mdc_o is at most 2.5 MHz for IEEE 802.3 compatibility.
MIIM_DISABLE Completely disable MIIM functionality when TRUE. You have to supply the current link speed on speed_override_i then!
RX_FIFO_SIZE_BITS Set the size of the RX FIFO in powers of 2 by overriding the number of size bits

Connect all MII, GMII, and MIIM pins directly to the pads. miim_clock_i, rx_clock_i and tx_clock_i can be identical if desired. The default values for MIIM_CLOCK_DIVIDER and MIIM_POLL_WAIT_TICKS are calculated for a MIIM clock of 125 MHz.

Both the TX and the RX FIFO have a simple communication scheme. A packet unit on the FIFO interface consists of: 2 bytes of size information, most significant byte first, and then exactly as many bytes of data as were indicated. The data includes all Ethernet MAC headers (destination address, source address, and length/type) in the exact same order as defined in the standard, but not the frame check sequence trailer. The exact timing follows the interface of first-word-fall-through FIFOs generated by the Xilinx core generator but is generally not different from a "normal" FIFO interface. Refer to the FIFO generator user guide for details. You can take a look at the Chips-Demo file chips_mac_adaptor.vhd for an example of how an application might use the core.

Note that you might have to override the default input delays on the GMII RX path to your device in the constraints file e.g. using PlanAhead. It is expected that the strict GMII timing constraints can not be met completely under all circumstances.

Written with StackEdit.