yolandayangg / n224p4-beans

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Personality Parlor




Personality parlor is a platform that allows for users to explore personality types. After completing a quiz to determine their own personality, users can compare their results with friends and family. Knowing one's personality type is essential as it impacts interactions with others and reactions to external stimuli; this can strengthen one's relationships with others and create an effective work environment.


Team Notes Set

Name GitHub Profile Issues Journals Commits
Mahima Krovvidy @mahimak19 Issues Journal Commits
Natalie Cohen @nataliecohen Issues Journal Commits
Nayana Vallamkondu @Nayanav Issues Journal Commits
Shruti Chari @shrutiapcsp Issues Journal Commits
Yolanda Yang @yolandayangg Issues Journal Commits

Table of Contents

Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5-7
Week 8

Week 8 Crossover Coding

Review Ticket
Name Issue
Nathan Operations Link to Code
Reem CRUD in Database Link to Code
James Theme Using Sassy/Bootstrap Link to Code
Jacob PBL Progress Link to Code

Week 5-7

Review Ticket
Individual TPT Notes and Quizzes
Name Role Issue
Mahima Deployment Admin Async Operations Link to Code
Natalie Technical Officer CRUD in Database Link to Code
Nayana Design Manager Theme Using Sassy/Bootstrap Link to Code
Shruti Scrum Master PBL Progress
Link to Code
Yolanda Github Admin Jekyll
Snake Game
Link to Code

Week 4

Individual TPT Notes and Quizzes Name Role Issue
Mahima Deployment Admin Review Ticket Link to Code
Natalie Technical Officer Review Ticket Link to Code
Nayana Design Manager Review Ticket Link to Code
Shruti Scrum Master Review Ticket Link to Code
Yolanda Github Admin Review Ticket Link to Code

Week 3

Review Ticket
Individual TPT Notes and Quizzes
Video Overview
Name Role Task
Mahima Deployment Admin Website Run from URL
Process for Updates
Issue Link to Code
Natalie Technical Officer Asynchronous access to Database Issue Link to Code
Nayana Design Manager Bootstrap Layouts
3 Frontend Screens
Issue Link to Code
Shruti Scrum Master Overview of progress using README, Tickets, Wiki
Scrum Board Backlog
Issue Link to Code
Yolanda Github Admin Individual Analysis (issue, commits, pull requests) Issue Link to Code

Week 2

Review Ticket Name Role Task Individual Tickets
Mahima Deployment Admin About Me Page Issue Link to Code
Natalie Technical Officer About Me Page Issue Link to Code
Nayana Primary Designer About Me Page Issue Link to Code
Shruti Scrum Master About Me Page Issue Link to Code
Yolanda Github Admin About Me Page Issue Link to Code

Week 1

Review Ticket Name Role Task Scrum Issue Commits
Mahima Deployment Admin Deploy website Issue Deployment Wiki
Natalie Technical Officer TPT lessons Issue
Technicals Wiki
Nayana Primary Designer Layout website- create wireframe/brainwrite Issue Brainwrite
Shruti Scrum Master Assign roles for each team member. Plan/ organize scrum board. Create issues for this week and assign to members. Issue
Scrum Board
Yolanda Github Admin Setup project in GIt. Fork and pull from Team Owls website Issue Github Wiki