yonas / superdateformat

Super Date Format - Provides a new date column for Thunderbird that you can fully customize.
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Day %a abbreviated weekday name. %A full weekday name. %d day of the month [01,31]. %e day of the month [1,31]; %j day of the year [001,366].

Month %b abbreviated month name. %B full month name. %m month [01,12].

Year %y year without century [00,99]. %Y full year.

Week %u weekday [1,7], with 1 representing Monday. %U week number of the year (Sunday as the first day of the week) [00,53]. %V week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) [01,53]. %w weekday [0,6], with 0 representing Sunday. %W week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) [00,53].

Hour %H hour (24-hour clock) [00,23]. %I hour (12-hour clock) [01,12].

Minute %M minute [00,59].

Second %S second [00,61].

AM/PM %p a.m. or p.m.

Timezone %Z timezone name.

Combinations %c date and time. %D same as %m/%d/%y. %r time in a.m. and p.m. notation. %R time in 24 hour notation (%H:%M). %T time (%H:%M:%S). %x date. %X time.