yonmaor1 / p5-flipdots

an API to control a flipdot display via p5.js
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an API to allow p5.js to control a flip-dot display

written by Yon Maor at the Studio for Creative Inquiry, Carnegie Mellon University, Fall 2024



$ git clone https://github.com/yonmaor1/p5-flipdots.git
$ cd p5-flipdots
$ npm init -y
$ npm install body-parser@1.20.3 concurrently@9.0.1 cors@2.8.5 express@4.21.1 serialport@12.0.0
$ npm list
$ node golive.js
$ open http://localhost:8081/

setup instructions

fire up your favorite terminal, cd somewhere comfortable and clone this repo

$ git clone https://github.com/yonmaor1/p5-flipdots.git
$ cd p5-flipdots

ensure you have npm installed. You will need npm version 16.0.0 or higher.


$ npm init -y
$ npm install body-parser@1.20.3 concurrently@9.0.1 cors@2.8.5 express@4.21.1 serialport@12.0.0

ensure this worked by running

$ npm list

you should see something like this:

p5-flipdots@1.0.0 /path/to/p5-flipdots
├── body-parser@1.20.3
├── concurrently@9.0.1
├── cors@2.8.5
├── express@4.21.1
└── serialport@12.0.0

to launch the program, run

$ node golive.js

and navigate to http://localhost:8081/ in your favorite web browser

hardware setup

a 28x14 panel is really two 28x7 panels on top of each other, and each panel must be addressed seperately. The addresses are set via DIP switches of the back of the panels. I reccomend setting the top panel to address 0x00 (all switches OFF) and the bottom pannel to 0x3F (all switches ON). If you choose to change this for some reason, you'll need to update the PANEL_ADDRS variable in lib/flipdot.js to the correct hexadecimal representation of whatever address you choose.

writing to the flipdot display

this repo implements two ways to get the flipdot display to flip dots: tixy and canvas

tixy is a p5 implementation of tixy.land, which allows you to write pixel-based expression to control the display from the browser.

To use it, launch the program and navigate to http://localhost:8081/tixy

The source code can be found in ./tixy/sketch.js, but doesn't need to be edited in order to cast data in this way.

canvas leverages p5 to allow you to cast any existing p5 sketch onto the display. To use it, navigate to ./canvas/sketch.js and write your p5 sketch in there, ensuring that canvas2display() is called at the end of the draw() function (or wherever you would like to cast the canvas to the display).

To use it, launch the program and navigate to http://localhost:8081/canvas

don't open both at the same time, obviously.

project structure

you should only need to edit the contents of canvas to control the display within the scope of this project, but here is the project structure which may be helpful if you decide to fork this repo and make something crazy

├── index.html # home page
├── canvas/ # the canvas control method (as described above)
│   ├── index.html
│   └── sketch.js
├── tixy/ # the tixy control method (as described above)
│   ├── index.html
│   └── sketch.js
├── libs/
│   └── flipdot.js # functions for processing data and casting to the dispaly (imported by */index.html)
│   └── server.js # launches the node server, used for serial communication (called by golive.js)
│   └── server.py # launches the python server, used to run p5 (called by golive.js)
├── golive.js # does the thing
└── node_modules, package.json, docs, assets, etc... # other stuff