To preprocess PROACT dataset
Data files
You can find the data files at the following url.
or in the following folders.
Data source
PRO-ACT database https://nctu.partners.org/proact
The above data source was accessed in Sept. 2017
DB contains data of 10,723 patients (including all datasets for training, training2, leaderboard, validation)
4,456,146 records
Preprocess 1
- Filtering
- exclude duplicate records, records with inconsistent or errorneous values (feature_delta < 0, diag_delta > 0, onset_delta > 0, diag_delta < onset_delta, both Q5a and Q5b filled-in)
- exclude patients with incomplete ALShx or ALSFRS-R all item scores
Preprocess 2
Creating meta-features (mean and slope values)
- calculate mean value for time-varying features (ALSFRS_R_Total and item scores, fvc, bmi, vital sign, and lab)
- estimate slope for ALSFRS_R_Total, subdimension (bulbar, motor, respiration), and fvc over the first 3 mo, using linear model (time interval between the first and last measurements should be > 1.5 mo & the number of measurements should >= 2)
- calculate onset2dx (onset to diagnosis)
Transforming features
- convert the sign of onset_delta and diag_delta from minus to plus
- convert the unit of feature_delta, onset_delta and diag_delta (days to months)
- combine the categories of onset_site (Limb, Limb and Bulbar, and Others) into Nonbulbar
- create a new feature "Gastrostomy" (True/False)
- convert Q5a/Q5b items into Q5
Preprocessed data files
- Predicting features data PROACT_preprocessed_rev.csv
- Target data: Loss of functional autonomy in swallowing LOA_swallowing.csv
merge data (predictors and target)
- target data
- predictors: static and meta-features over the first 3 mo
- evaluate missing data pattern and proportion: missing_prop_pattern.png
- create a merged file (for missing value imputation) merge_predictors_target.csv
- impute missing values in merged_slope_rev.csv
- multiple imputation using mice package
- exclude features with missing data proportion > 30 % except for bmi_mean
- data distribution before imputation: distribution_data.png
- missing data pattern: missing_pattern.png
- check convergence following multiple imputation: convergence.png
- check imputed value density plot (continuous features): imputation_densityPlot.png
- check imputed value proportion plot (categorical feature, riluzole in this case): imputation_riluzole.png
- save imputed dataset object: imputed_rev.RDS
Feature selection