yoshiki-okawa / BlazorJSProxy

Dynamic proxy of Microsoft.JSInterop.IJSRuntime which makes defining and invoking JS object much easier
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Dynamic proxy of Microsoft.JSInterop.IJSRuntime which makes defining and invoking JS object much easier.\ All you need is to define interface for JavaScript class with matching properties and methods.\ NuGet\ \ See the actual working examples in Class1.cs in ClassLibrary1 project.\ Example 1 - Existing window variable

    [JSTarget(ConstructorFunction = "MouseEvent")]
    public interface IMouseEvent : IAsyncDisposable
        ValueTask<int> OffsetX { get; set; }
        ValueTask<int> OffsetY { get; set; }

    [JSTarget(GlobalVariable = "window.location")]
    public interface ILocation : IAsyncDisposable
        ValueTask<string> Href { get; set; }

    // Use JSTarget with GlobalVariable as window is a global variable in JS.
    [JSTarget(GlobalVariable = "window")]
    public interface IWindow : IAsyncDisposable
        ValueTask<ILocation> Location { get; set; }
        // Use JSName to use custom propery name instead.
        Func<IMouseEvent, Task> OnClick { get; set; }
        // Use JSName to use custom propery name instead.
        Action<IMouseEvent> OnDoubleClick { set; }

    private async Task TestWindow()
        // Create a JS proxy of window.
        await using var window = await BlazorJSProxy<IWindow>.CreateAsync(jsRuntime, null);
        // Get current URL.
        var location = await window.Location;
        Console.WriteLine(await location.Href); // https://localhost:5001/counter
        // Register a callback function to onclick with Func<IMouseEvent, Task>.
        window.OnClick = async evt =>
            Console.WriteLine("Clicked:" + await evt.OffsetX + "," + await evt.OffsetY); //Clicked:99,18
            await Task.CompletedTask;
        // Register a callback function to ondblclick with Action<IMouseEvent>.
        window.OnDoubleClick = async evt =>
            Console.WriteLine("Double clicked:" + await evt.OffsetX + "," + await evt.OffsetY); //Double clicked:99,18
        // window object is disposed automatically with await using from both .NET and JS.

Example 2 - Custom classes

    // Use JSTarget with ConstructorFunction as Parent is a custom class defined.
    [JSTarget(ConstructorFunction = "Parent")]
    public interface IParent : IAsyncDisposable
        ValueTask<string> Name { get; set; }
        ValueTask<IChild> GetChild();
        // IArray is a simple Array JS proxy so that no parsing from JS and .NET vice versa are required until absolutely needed.
        ValueTask<IArray<IChild>> GetChildren();
        ValueTask<IChild> Child { get; set; }
        // IArray is a simple Array JS proxy so that no parsing from JS and .NET vice versa are required until absolutely needed.
        ValueTask<IArray<IChild>> Children { get; set; }
    [JSTarget(ConstructorFunction = "Child")]
    public interface IChild : IAsyncDisposable
        ValueTask<string> Name { get; set; }

    private async Task TestCustomParentChildClasses()
        await DefineCustomParentChildClasses();
        await TestProxyReturnType(x => x.GetChild(), x => x.GetChildren());
        await TestProxyReturnType(x => x.Child, x => x.Children);

    private async Task DefineCustomParentChildClasses()
        await jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("eval", @"
window.Parent = class Parent {
    name = 'Parent';
    child = this.getChild();
    children = this.getChildren();

    getChild() {
        return new Child('Child1');

    getChildren() {
        return [new Child('Child1'), new Child('Child2')];
window.Child = class Child {
        this.name = name;

    private async Task TestProxyReturnType(Func<IParent, ValueTask<IChild>> getChild, Func<IParent, ValueTask<IArray<IChild>>> getChildren)
        // Create a JS proxy of Parent. Every time this is called, new instance of Parent is created in JS.
        await using var parent = await BlazorJSProxy<IParent>.CreateAsync(jsRuntime, null);
        // Get the parent name.
        Console.WriteLine(await parent.Name); // Parent
        // Get a child.
        await using var child1 = await getChild(parent);
        // Get the child name.
        Console.WriteLine(await child1.Name); // Child1
        // Set the child name to Child3
        child1.Name = new ValueTask<string>("Child3");
        // Get the child's Name again.
        Console.WriteLine(await child1.Name); // Child3
        // Get children.
        await using var children = await getChildren(parent);
        // Get a number of children.
        Console.WriteLine(await children.Length); // 2
        // Get the first child name.
        Console.WriteLine(await (await children[0]).Name); // Child1
        // Get the second child name.
        Console.WriteLine(await (await children[1]).Name); // Child2
        // Set the first child name to Child4
        (await children[0]).Name = new ValueTask<string>("Child4");
        // Get the first child name again.
        Console.WriteLine(await (await children[0]).Name); // Child4
        // Set the first child = the second child.
        children[0] = new ValueTask<IChild>(await children[1]);
        // Get the first child name again.
        Console.WriteLine(await (await children[0]).Name); // Child2
        // Get the second child name again.
        Console.WriteLine(await (await children[1]).Name); // Child2