yoshinorin / Kinugasa

:umbrella: My Library for .NET
MIT License
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My Library for .NET


CI Statuses

Porpose Service Status Remark
Build & Test AppVeyor Build status Build all projects.
Check test code.
* Crete coverage report and send it to CodeCov.
Static Code Analysis CodeClimate Issue Count Only check Markdown syntax and code's comments.
Coverage CodeCov codecov Receive test coverage report from AppVeyor.

Releases & Development plan & Compatibility

Please see releases page, if you want to see deteal.


NameSpace Classic PCL UWP Overview Document
EnumExtention - - Enum Extentions libarary.
Mvvm - Minimum MVVM library. Document
Map - - Values mapping libarary.
UI - User interface library.
Web - - Web service operation library. Document


Dependency library

Name Type Porpose
OpenCover v4.6.519 Nuget Measure of test code coverage.

Build path

All project's assemblies will output to root/bin/ directoy.

