youngfreeFJS / Chrome-GPT

An AutoGPT agent that controls Chrome on your desktop
GNU General Public License v3.0
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🤖 Chrome-GPT: An experimental AutoGPT agent that interacts with Chrome

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⚠️This is an experimental AutoGPT agent that might take incorrect actions and could lead to serious consequences. Please use it at your own discretion⚠️

Chrome-GPT is an AutoGPT experiment that utilizes Langchain and Selenium to enable an AutoGPT agent take control of an entire Chrome session. With the ability to interactively scroll, click, and input text on web pages, the AutoGPT agent can navigate and manipulate web content.

🖥️ Demo

Input Prompt: Find me a bar that can host a 20 person event near Chelsea, Manhattan evening of Apr 30th. Fill out contact us form if they have one with info: Name Richard, email

Demo made by Richard He

🔮 Features

🧱 Known Limitations


🛠️ Setup

  1. Set up your OpenAI API Keys and add OPENAI_API_KEY env variable
  2. Install Python requirements via poetry poetry install
  3. Open a poetry shell poetry shell
  4. Run chromegpt via python -m chromegpt

🧠 Usage

Options: -t, --task TEXT The task to execute [required] -a, --agent [auto-gpt|baby-agi|zero-shot] The agent type to use -m, --model TEXT The model to use --headless Run in headless mode -v, --verbose Run in verbose mode --human-in-loop Run in human-in-loop mode, only available when using auto-gpt agent --help Show this message and exit.