Secret Routes Mod
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Dungeon Routes
- Some of the best routes on the internet for secrets
- Tracking line made by particles or OpenGL Render lines
- AOTV waypoints
- Interact waypoints
- Superboom waypoints
- Stonk waypoints
- Ender pearl waypoints/ Pearl launch angle lines
- Render entire route (instead of just one secret at a time)
- Render all secrets (Renders all secrets and levers in the room)
Custom Routes
- Record your own custom routes mostly automatically
- Easy HUD display for some recording information
- Easily import routes created by others
- Recolor every single OpenGL rendering item
- Toggle on/off all waypoint types individually
- Recolor all text boxes to any of Minecraft's 16 colors
- Change between particle lines, OpenGL rendered line, or no lines
- Save and load different color profiles
- Import profiles from others easily
- Configurable with a beautifully organised OneConfig interface to easily find all features
- Auto inform new updates (Toggle on by default)
- Auto download new updates (Toggled off by default)
Boss message hider
- Individually control which boss' messages to hide and show
- Does not impact other mods that use boss messages for timing
Blood spawned notification
- Customizable message to display when all blood mobs have spawned
- Custom color
- Custom duration
- Custom position
- Custom text
More to come...
- /srm -> Opens main config menu
- /loadroute -> Loads the current route from the downloads folder
/recording -> All of these are also buttons in the config menu
- start -> Starts route recording process
- stop -> Stops route recording process
- export -> Exports the recorded routes to the routes.json file in your downloads
- getroom -> Sends a chat message with information about the current room
- setbat -> Sets a bat in the current secret route
- setexit -> Sets an exit waypoint in the route, and stops recording
- import -> Imports routes from the downloads route folder into memory
/changecolorprofile -> also some buttons
- list -> Lists all files in the ColorProfiles directory
- load -> Loads a color profile with the name of the following argument (loads default if no argument specified)
- save -> Saves the currently selected options to a file with the name specified
/changeroute -> also some buttons
- list -> Lists all files in the Routes directory
- load -> Loads a color profile with the name of the following argument (loads default if no argument specified)
/srmdebug -> some debug commands and variable modification
- lever -> Sends some info about the rendered locked chest lever
- pos -> Send info about current player position
- bloodtime -> display blood ready message for that many milis
- var -> print the current value of a variable, or change it to the value of the next argument