ypranay / org.civicrm.civirebux

[Google Summer of Code 2016] CiviREBUX - REport BUilding eXtension for CiviCRM
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REport BUilding module eXtension for

This repository contains the implementation of a report building module extension for CiviCRM LLC, built as a part of the Google Summer of Code 2016 program. Please read the wiki for detailed information about CiviREBUX.

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CiviREBUX is a drag-n-drop report builder interface for making CiviCRM-style reports. It supports multiple data transformation functionalities like pivoting, filtering, sorting and can render the results both in a tabular format as well as graphically in real-time. It can be referred to as a spreadsheet software running seamlessly on your browser.

Currently supports CiviCRM Contribution and Membership data only. Developed and Tested for CiviCRM 4.7!


† As of now, please prefer to use CiviCRM 4.7 only!


After installing the new page is available from the menu bar in your CiviCRM dashboard: Reports >> CiviREBUX

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