This repository contains the manuscript in computational proteomics. Our aim here is to describe how the proteomics community is developing and using bioinformatics software.
from citations, polls.
We hope to write a manuscript by the computational proteomics community that discuss the challenges, opportunities and drawbacks in current Computational Proteomics by 2019. Feel free to open an issue if there is any point you would like to raise or discuss.
Anyone from the community is encourage to discuss topics for the manuscript, including structure, titles, topics, etc. This can be done by opening an issue in issues.
If you want to change a document including the manuscript, statistics, or figure; you can do it by creating a Pull request into the master branch.
Fell free to browse through existing/past issues and if one seems related, comment on it. If no existing issue seems appropriate, a new issue can be opened to discuss the suggestion. In particular, we would appreciate discussing more substantial changes (for example suggestion of new rules) in a dedicated issue before sending a pull request.
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Please the process of writing a paper in Github can be painful at the beginning but be patient and you will enjoy the complete process. Science must be always open!!!!