yrachid / team-stats.tv

Retiring browsers from teams' monitors since 2017
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cd ci distributed-work electron es6 javascript socket-io

Team Stats TV

A TV Monitor for (distributed) software development teams.

CircleCI Code Climate Test Coverage

Tech Stack:

Test Stack:

Getting started:

To generate a .dmg file:

Install the global electron-builder package first:

npm install -g electron-builder

This package is going to create a symlink into /usr/local/bin/build, so be aware of that.

Having the previously mentioned package installed and assuming you're using a computer with through OS X, run:

The generation of an executable for Linux or Windows is still an ongoing thing. coming soon. :)

To run the tests:


Un intento de reemplazo de los browsers como herramienta de Tele.

Que debe hacer la app para que sea mejor que los browsers:

Debe permitir que el manejo de múltiplas teles sea más sencillo. Quizá pueda también servir como un medio de comunicación de equipos distribuidos.


Diferentemente de los browsers, la app debe:
