yschaeff / ICantBelieveItsNotDNS

"I Can't Believe It's Not DNS!" (ICBIND) is an authoritative DNS server for the ESP8266 written in MicroPython.
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I Can't Believe It's Not DNS!

"I Can't Believe It's Not DNS!" (ICBIND) is an authoritative DNS server for the ESP8266 written in MicroPython.



When I first received my ESP8266 I flashed the NodeMCU firmware on it. To make myself familiar with the ESP and Lua tried writing an authoritative DNS server for it. A crappy server only echoing the queries over TCP (UDP was broken on NodeMCU) could do almost 2 qps. That project quickly stopped.

I was excited when MicroPython came out and decided to start a similar project. MicroPython was much more capable than Lua and I got 150 to 160 qps! Soon I hit limitations on memory consumption and code size. To get it running I needed to cut some corners highly optimize the code.


The code is contained in three files: boot.py establishes Wifi connection. main.py contains the DNS server code and, trusted_networks.py has just a dictionary of ESSID and password combinations. The latter is not included in the git repository and you should create one yourself (see boot.py).

The other thing you need to edit before uploading the files is the first few lines of main.py. There the zone as well as the master server to get it from are defined.

For convenience a Makefile is included. Though in order to use it you probably need to fiddle with it.

Modus Operandi

At boot ICBIND will select the strongest Wifi access point it has credentials for and connect to it. It does not start webrepl as that would prevent main.py to load due to memory shortage.

Then the daemon will start. First it will transfer the zone via AXFR. When that is done it starts to answer queries from its database. Finally when a notify is received it will retransfer the zone.

Implementation Details

My personal domain is rather small. Less than 20 records or thereabouts. While my TLD does not offer upload of DS records I did sign my zone. As a result a AXFR reply is about 13 KiB. After receiving the AXFR I tried to do something with that data: ENOMEM. Crud.

Python to the rescue! I can make an iterator that I would feed a socket which would read from said socket and spit out parsed Resource records! Easy does it. Except... DNS uses compression pointers. Compression pointers greatly reduce the size of DNS packets by eliminating repeating of owner names of resource records. BUT we don't have enough memory to buffer the entire AXFR. We need a plan.

Plan A

So a compression pointer is just an octet pointing back relative to its current position right? (HINT: No it isn't you up mucking asshole codemonkey). So I just need to keep a sliding window of the last 256 bytes! In reality a compression pointer is 14 bits wide and absolute from the start of the message. Most names will point to one of the very first resource records in the message. So let us also keep a copy of the first 256 bytes. That surely must catch 99 percent of all cases, we just drop any record we can't resolve the pointer for. Who cares! Well, that is mostly true. But I wasn't satisfied with the amount of records dropped in my small zone. So nothing else to do but store the AXFR on flash you say? Oh you don't know me! It's personal now, I have a plan B.

Plan B

What if we don't resolve the compression pointers during the AXFR? That's right, just let them sit unresolved for a bit. In the mean time drop all those pesky DNSSEC records we are offered. Those are to big anyway and I really don't want to deal with NSEC lookups on this tiny device. Also, while we are at it drop anything other than class IN, that does not exist in my world. We end up with just a small set of records. But how do we resolve the owner names, we don't have this data any more?

I know somebody who has this data... the master! You know what? With that set of records in hand do another AXFR a couple of bytes at the time and resolve those pointers on the fly without the need to buffer anything longer than a label (max 63 bytes). Of course compression pointers can be nested so we need to repeat this process in a loop until every pointer is resolved!

Serving Queries

This is the easy part. Lets do as little as possible. When a query comes in we chop of anything beyond the question section. BAM! We have most of our reply done. Fiddle a bit with the flags and section counts, assume query name is uncompressed and append our resource record. Our database only contains TYPE and RDATA. Query name? Always a pointer to byte 12 in the packet. Class? always IN. TLL? always 15 minutes, deal with it.

SOA Serial Management

Finally we need a mechanism to update our little DNS server if the zone has changed. Serious software would keep track of the version of the zone via the SOA serial number. Poll for a new version on set times, listen to notifies from the master and make an intelligible decision when and how to update the zone.

We don't have the memory available to be intelligible. But we can listen for notify queries. If we receive a notify, any notify - we optimized out any ACL or checking of the zone name, we simply reboot(). The ESP8266 will powercycle and the new version of the zone will be transferred and served. SOA serial management made easy!


This software is shit. It sort of mimics DNS but really it isn't. You should not use this, I should not use this (but you know I will because DNS hosting on my ESP8266 is freaking awesome!)