yscokgor / Greville

Test repository for team
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Hi! Introduction: We are Team Thomas Greville, with members:

Yazda Cokgor (yscokgor@berkeley.edu, GIT username: yscokgor), Amanda Neslund (amandaneslund@berkeley.edu, GIT username: amandaneslund), and Angel Jenita Prasad (ap5473@berkeley.edu, GIT username: angelprasad )

Topic & Goals: Our topic is the analysis of AIDS/ HIVs in Botswana.

Our project focused on analyzing the effect of AIDS/ HIV on populations, the difference in AIDS/ HIV prevelance on the sexes, on agriculture and exploring why this may be the case and how it differs in opposed to Zimbabwe.

How to Navigate: Check Out Greville_group_code_Final for all of our work!