ysdragon / Pterodactyl-VPS-Egg

Pterodactyl VPS Egg
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pterodactyl pterodactyl-egg pterodactyl-panel vps

Pterodactyl VPS Egg

This is a Pterodactyl Egg for running a Virtual Private Server (VPS).


This Pterodactyl Egg allows you to set up and manage a Virtual Private Server within your Pterodactyl panel. It provides a convenient way to deploy and manage VPS instances with ease.

Supported Operating Systems

Getting Started

  1. Choose the appropriate configuration file based on your system architecture:

    • For x64 bit system, use egg-vps.json
    • For arm64 system, use egg-vps-arm64.json
  2. Download the chosen configuration file to your local machine.
  3. Import to pterodactyl panel.

Feel free to customize the Egg settings and configurations to suit your requirements.


Contributions are welcome. If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to submit a pull request.