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add a first version for a typescript guideline #45

Closed andreineculau closed 4 years ago

andreineculau commented 4 years ago
text dump at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rokmoln/zz-issues/master/tobiipro/eslint-config-firecloud/45.txt
add a first version for a typescript guideline #45


   master typescript-guideline
   [45]andreineculau opened this pull request 4 months ago • edited 9 days

   [46]enhancement [47]help wanted
     * Fixes:
     * Breaking change: [ ]

     * [X] add reference to [48]https://basarat.gitbooks.io/typescript/
     * [X] add reference to interface equivalents for classes
     * [X] add reference for interface equivalents for tuples
     * [X] prefer leading & or | in multiline intersection or union types
     * [X] indentation issues for multiline generics
       [50]typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint#455 (comment)

   andreineculau added the [51]enhancement label [52]4 months ago

   andreineculau added the [53]help wanted label [54]4 months ago

   andreineculau self-assigned this [55]4 months ago

   andreineculau added this to In progress in [56]Public (Open Source) via
   automation [57]4 months ago

   andreineculau force pushed changes to this branch [58]4 months ago

   andreineculau force pushed changes to this branch [59]4 months ago

   andreineculau force pushed changes to this branch [60]4 months ago

   [61]tobiiasl reviewed [62]4 months ago

   Great work! A very nice introduction for developers at all levels. I
   have only read part of it so far (will continue with "Amend modules and
   interfaces" next time).

   I mostly had suggestions for possible improvements on how to make the
   text easier to grasp.
   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [63]typescript.md
   ((5 lines not shown))
   When types are shared between modules and used sparsely, create a
   `src/types.ts` file
   as per TypeScript's conventions, where you will pile up all the common
   Presumably you will also build a declaration at `lib/types.d.ts`.
   If your repository hosts a library, then it will be useful to have
   those types easily imported into parent modules.
   Consider adding `types.d.ts` in the root of your repository with the
   content `export * from './lib/types.d.ts';`,
   since this will make parent modules be able to write `import
   {FunkyType} from 'funky-module/types';`.
   ## Casting and guards
   At times, you may need to clarify to typescript that a variable is
   certainly of a specific type within a block.
   let fn = function(a: boolean | string): boolean {
   if ((a as string).match) {
   [64]@tobiiasl [65]tobiiasl • [66]4 months ago
   Copy link

   I found this example/pattern confusing. It took me a while just to
   understand the intention of the first check (perhaps because my first
   thought was that the match function did some magical thing using
   regexps to see if the type of a matched 'string'). But anyway, I don't
   think I like this pattern. Afaics it does not check if the variable is
   of a certain type, just that it has a specific function. Using this
   pattern here would not work:
let foo = [ 2, 3];

if ((foo as string).length) {
  console.log(`foo is a string of length ${foo.length);

   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [67]typescript.md
   ((29 lines not shown))
   * the `in` operator e.g. `if ('match' in a)`
   * the `typeof` guard e.g. `if (typeof a === 'string')`
   * the `instanceof` guard e.g. `let a = new String('foo'); if (a
   instanceof String`
   * `if ((a as any).match) { a = a as string; ...`
   * `if ((a as any).match) { a = a as unknown as string; ...` (in extreme
   [Read more about
   ## Use type assertions to `unknown` when the going gets tough
   At times, you may hit issues because of type mismatching.
   If you are certain that the implementation is correct (but maybe the
   typing is only partially correct),
   rather than fall back to `// @ts-ignore`, use a type assertion to
   unknown and then to the intended type.
   [68]@tobiiasl [69]tobiiasl • [70]4 months ago
   Copy link

   Perhaps mention what the benefit is over type asserting to any which
   would be the default for most developers (I think).
   [71]@tobiiasl [72]tobiiasl • [73]4 months ago
   Copy link

   Ok. Reading on I saw that you explain that further down. Perhaps
   refer/link to it here? Or reverse the order.
   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [74]typescript.md
   ((38 lines not shown))
   ## Use type assertions to `unknown` when the going gets tough
   At times, you may hit issues because of type mismatching.
   If you are certain that the implementation is correct (but maybe the
   typing is only partially correct),
   rather than fall back to `// @ts-ignore`, use a type assertion to
   unknown and then to the intended type.
   type Person = {
   name: string;
   gender: string;
   let fn = function(): Person {
   let p = {} as Partial;
   [75]@tobiiasl [76]tobiiasl • [77]4 months ago
   Copy link

   Room for improvement? Using Partial is a good example but might miss
   the point if the reader is not familiar with Partial. Simpler example?
   Explaining Partial before this section?
   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [78]typescript.md
   ((46 lines not shown))
   type Person = {
   name: string;
   gender: string;
   let fn = function(): Person {
   let p = {} as Partial;
   p.name = 'Luiza';
   p.gender = 'unspecified';
   // will complain that Partial does not match Person
   // return p;
   // since you are certain that p will actually have all the required
   properties, you can
   // return p as unknown as Person;
   [79]@tobiiasl [80]tobiiasl • [81]4 months ago • edited 4 months ago
   Copy link

   Minor: At least right now I think a couple of extra parentheses will
   make it clearer to non-experts what is happening. Ie return (p as
   unknown) as Person.
   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [82]typescript.md
   ((52 lines not shown))
   let fn = function(): Person {
   let p = {} as Partial;
   p.name = 'Luiza';
   p.gender = 'unspecified';
   // will complain that Partial does not match Person
   // return p;
   // since you are certain that p will actually have all the required
   properties, you can
   // return p as unknown as Person;
   ## Don't forget mapped types generics
   Generics are a good for mapping types
   [83]@tobiiasl [84]tobiiasl • [85]4 months ago
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   s/a //

   [86]tobiiasl reviewed [87]4 months ago
   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [88]typescript.md
   ((87 lines not shown))
   [Read more about the unknown
   ## Use utility types
   Newer versions of TypeScript have opened up the possibility for
   so-called utility types e.g.
   * `Partial` would be a type for a partial object of type T
   * `ReturnType` would be the type of the return value of a function
   of type T
   Similarly to the built-in types, more utility-types exist as external
   * our own collection:
   * built-in utility types:
   * extension of utility types:
   * **comprehensive** but can easily through TypeScript errors because of
   high complexity: https://github.com/pirix-gh/ts-toolbelt
   [89]@tobiiasl [90]tobiiasl • [91]4 months ago
   Copy link

   "through"?? I cannot parse the sentence.

   [92]tobiiasl reviewed [93]4 months ago
   (BUTTON) Show resolved (BUTTON) Hide resolved [94]typescript.md
   ((105 lines not shown))
   ## Amend modules and interfaces (and classes)
   Sometimes external modules have incorrect types, and you need to amend
   their interfaces
   or to amend classes e.g.
   interface ClockInterface {
   currentTime: Date;
   class Clock implements ClockInterface {
   currentTime: Date = new Date();
   constructor(h: number, m: number) { }
   [95]@tobiiasl [96]tobiiasl • [97]4 months ago
   Copy link

   Sorry. I don't get what this code should show and thus not why we amend
   the prototype. The constructor does nothing??

   Perhaps the hour is too late...
   [98]@andreineculau [99]andreineculau • [100]4 months ago
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   note: add ellipsis

   ankitmth removed this from In progress in [101]Public (Open Source)
   [102]17 days ago

   [103]andreineculau added a commit [104]9 days ago
   [105]@andreineculau [106]add a first version for a typescript guideline

   andreineculau force pushed changes to this branch [107]9 days ago

   andreineculau modified this pull request [108]9 days ago

   Copy link
   commented [110]9 days ago

   [111]@tobiiasl thanks!

   andreineculau referenced this pull request from commit [112]9118da7
   [113]9 days ago

   andreineculau merged commit 9118da7 into master [114]9 days ago

   andreineculau deleted the typescript-guideline branch [115]9 days ago