ysoftwareab / eslint-plugin-y

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The ESLint plugin used within Y Software AB.

In your project's .eslintrc.js

module.exports = {
  extends: [
  rules: {
    'override-some-rule': error

Optionally, you can run node_modules/eslint-plugin-y/npm-install-peer-dependencies in order to install the required peer dependencies.

If you want to use an addon, it's as easy as doing this in .eslintrc.js:

module.exports = {
  extends: [
  rules: {
    'override-some-rule': error

and running npm install --dev eslint-plugin-jest.


Common bundles are provided as following:

These addons require you to install the plugin manually:

Guiding Principles

"I (don't) like/want ..." is no argument in this codebase. Instead, we follow a few guiding principles that have concrete consequences on daily work.

1. Keep It Short

References to conventions that cannot/will not be put into eslint rules

Backwards compatibility

In March 2021, repositories got renamed

The reason for this change was because ESlint can now store and reference configs inside a plugin, and because npm@7 has a backward incompatible change to auto-install peer dependencies, while the previous setup only works on the assumption that peer dependencies are not automatically installed.

Github's behaviour is to redirect when renaming, so currently both ysoftwareab/eslint-config-y and ysoftwareab/eslint-plugin-y are pointing to the same content of this repository.

So for backwards compatibility, the v0.0.x and v0.1.x tags are from the original eslint-plugin-y, now called eslint-plugin-y-deprecated, while the v0.0.x and v0.1.x tags of the original eslint-config-y have been namespaced with config/.
