Drupal 10 Drupal build for Yukon.ca. This repository was prepared so it's sources can be built via CI to deploy to Pantheon.
For local environment setup, please check detailed instructions here.
There is an entry in sites/default/settings/local.settings.php that points to the same DB container for the secondary DB for migration, named migrate. You can populate it if you have the DB dump:
$ fin db create migrate
$ zcat drupal7.sql.gz | fin db import --db=migrate
Layout Builder: The current standard choice for components implementation is Layout Builder, so Paragraphs should normally map to Block types, exceptions apart.
: list components from Audit
: Document SSO solution here.
Every new development should be pushed to a development branch. The advice is to keep the names short: due to Pantheon's limitation, multidev cannot use longer branch names, so in case we want to use it, we should avoid the long names.
Upon pushing to a branch, you can create a Pull Request for EW to review. Branches are pushed to Pantheon so you can also spin a Multidev environment to demonstrate before merging.
Add git repo URL here.TODO
Add URL here.TODO
Add dev site URL here.TODO
Add stage site URL here.TODO
Add prod site URL here.The first step of upgrading the Druapl 7 vesrion to Drupal 10 is setting up a blank Drupal 10 website by using the following steps:
Once blank Drupal 10 website is done, data import can be initiated by adding database credentials of the Drupal 7 website in the sites/default/settings.php file. Do not remove the Drupal 10 database credentials and instead add Drupal 7 credentials in migrate database (second database credentails).
There are more than 30K nodes on the D7 version and it can take anywhere between 10 to 15 hours to run the complete migration. The speed of migration depends on the server (both D7 and D10) and on the size of data. It needs manual monitoring and validation to confirm that data migration was completed as required. To make this process feasible, the migration process has been divided into 10 batches and we need to run this migration at least two times (10 batches x 2 times). In the first round we get the migration data and in the second round, we fix the missing relationships between the nodes.
Running the following 10 commands will import the data from Drupal 7 to Druapl 10. Please note that this is the start of migration where Drupal 10 has no data from the production website. Running these commands for the second time is recommended only if data import was not complete or got corrupted. Partial imports can be done by running individual commands where all previous node IDs will be updated (assigned new).
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_taxonomies --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_media --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_paragraphs --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_nodes --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_documents --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_basic_page --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_page_news --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_user_role --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_menu continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_files --continue-on-failure
The script migrate_initial.sh
does the above.
Migrations can fail to complete due to multiple reasons and when it happens, it display the name of the table for which migration stopped working. Rerunning (resume) the migration is only possible after resetting the migration using a command like below where “yukon_migrate_landing_page” is the name of the failed table.
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:reset-status yukon_migrate_landing_page
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_taxonomies --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_media --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_paragraphs --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_nodes --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_documents --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_basic_page --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_page_news --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_user_role --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_menu --update --continue-on-failure
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import --group=legacy_files --update --continue-on-failure
The script migrate_update.sh
does the above.
Running the above commands more than once is recommended.
The custom_migrate
module does some post-migration clean up work. Visit [root-URL]/custom_migrate
to execute that code.
After completing the data migration and its update, the following commands may be run to setup the theme files.
npm run build command inside [web-root]/docroot/themes/custom/yukonca_glider
Clear Drupal cache using drush cr
Drupal 10 website should be ready at this point
This issue is related to incomplete migration. This will be fixed either by re-running the complete migration or by using the steps below:
Please note that roll back commands will assign new node IDs and will need migration update cammands to be re-run.
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:rollback yukon_migrate_primary_content
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import yukon_migrate_primary_content
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:rollback yukon_migrate_landing_page
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:rollback yukon_migrate_landing_page_translations
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import yukon_migrate_landing_page
./vendor/bin/drush migrate:import yukon_migrate_landing_page_translations
drush locale-export fr --type=customized > config/translations/fr.customized.po
drush locale-export fr --type=customized > /code/config/translations/fr.customized.po
drush locale-import fr --type=customized /var/www/html/config/translations/fr.customized.po
drush locale-import fr --type=customized /code/config/translations/fr.customized.po
drush locale-import fr --type=customized --override=customized /var/www/html/config/translations/fr.customized.po
drush locale-import fr --type=customized --override=customized /code/config/translations/fr.customized.po