yu-rp / Distribution-Shift-Iverson

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Distribution Shift Inversion for Out-of-Distribution Prediction

This repository contains the offical implementation for our CVPR-2023 paper.

Distribution Shift Inversion for Out-of-Distribution Prediction

[[arxiv]()] [code]

Runpeng Yu, Songhua Liu, Xingyi Yang, Xinchao Wang


🛫 On average, adding in our method produces 2.26\% accuracy gain on multi-training domain generalization datasets and 2.28\% on single-training domain generalization datasets.
🚀 on CdSprites5 dataset, our method generally elevates the classification accuracy from 50% to 90%.

Fig. Translated OoD samples from PACS dataset. Odd rows show the original OoD images, and even rows show their transformation results to the source distribution, obtained by the proposed method. The translator is trained only on the sorce domain. The style translation is sufficent. All of the translated images can be correctly classified by the ERM model trained on the source domain.


In this tutorial-like document, we will lead you to finish the entire DSI by four steps:

  1. The Finetuning of Diffusion Model,
  2. The Transformation,
  3. The Training of OoD Algorithm,
  4. The Inference.

Before diving into the instructions for each step, please prepare a Data folder for dataset storage. For better explanation, PACS dataset is used as an example in the repository.

Finetuning of Diffusion Model

The code for the training and sampling of the Diffusion Model is based on the publicly available Stable Diffusion. The revelant code is in the folder DiffusionModel. The subfolder DiffusionModel/yaml contains the .yaml configuration files for the finetuning. The number in the name of each .yaml file is the domain index. The subfolder DiffusionModel/checkpoint originally contains the sd-v1-4.ckpt checkpoint, which is used as the starting point of our finetuning. Due to the size limit, we emptry the subfolder DiffusionModel\stable-diffusion-main\src. To run the code, please download the content of this subfolder from here. To finetune the sd-v1-4 on PACS, please use the following code

cd DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main

python main.py \
    -t \
    --base DiffusionModel/yaml/pacs_0.yaml \
    --gpus 0, \ # The number of GPUs
    --scale_lr False \
    --no-test True \
    --num_nodes 1 \
    --check_val_every_n_epoch 10 \
    --finetune_from "DiffusionModel/checkpoint/sd-v1-4-full-ema.ckpt"

The trianing output and the model checkpoints will be stored in the DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main/logs.


Given a finetuned Diffusion Model stored in DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main/logs/exp-name/checkpoints/last.ckpt and corresponding configuration file in DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main/logs/exp-name/configs/config-name.yaml, transformed samples can be generated using the following code

cd DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main

python scripts/augment.py \
    --scale 1.0 \
    --sample_amount 10  \
    --config "DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main/logs/exp-name/configs/config-name.yaml" \
    --ckpt "DiffusionModel/stable-diffusion-main/logs/exp-name/checkpoints/last.ckpt" \
    --ddim_steps 250 \
    --start_time 200 \
    --domain_index 0 \
    --dataset PACS_augmentation  \
    --outdir "output"

OoD Algorithms

We use the DomainBed for the training of the OoD Algorithms.


Due to the time consumption of the diffusion sampling, we did not conduct the inference in an online style. Instead, the inference is conducted by

  1. load the original OoD images and transformed images,
  2. load OoD classification model,
  3. draw inference.

The relavent code is stored in folder DSI. Suppose the pretrained inference model is stored in DSI\Predictor\checkpoints\model.pkl, the inference procedure can be done with the following code.

cd Code

python -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nproc_per_node=1 \
    --master_port 12465 \
    --nnodes=1 \
    -m DSI.main \
    -A lpm \
    -Pn DomainbedNet \
    -dncp `DSI\Predictor\checkpoints\model.pkl` \
    -sD PACS \
    -is 224 \
    -sd 1 \
    -sbs 64 \
    -sa 1 \
    -lpt 0.1 \
    -lpcd "lpcd.json" \ # file contains the path to the transformed samples
    -G pacs_c 


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


    author    = {Runpeng Yu, Songhua Liu, Xingyi Yang, Xinchao Wang},
    title     = {Distribution Shift Inversion for Out-of-Distribution Prediction},
    journal   = {The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR)},
    year      = {2023},