a react native HSV(hue, saturation, value) color picker
is a React Native component for building an HSV (hue, saturation, value) color picker.
Highlighted Features:
$ npm install react-native-hsv-color-picker --save
You are all set.
is powered by the libexpo-linear-gradient
. Besides above command, you have to follow this Instruction to add relevant dependencies to your project.
a minimally-configured HSV color picker
import React from 'react'; import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'; import HsvColorPicker from 'react-native-hsv-color-picker';
export default class Example extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { hue: 0, sat: 0, val: 1, }; this.onSatValPickerChange = this.onSatValPickerChange.bind(this); this.onHuePickerChange = this.onHuePickerChange.bind(this); }
onSatValPickerChange({ saturation, value }) { this.setState({ sat: saturation, val: value, }); }
onHuePickerChange({ hue }) { this.setState({ hue, }); }
render() { const { hue, sat, val } = this.state; return (
} }
const styles = StyleSheet.create({ container: { flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#fff', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center', }, });
## Props
#### Basic Props
| Prop | Type | Default | Description |
|--|--|--| -- |
| `containerStyle` | ViewPropTypes.style | `{}` | style for the outmost container |
| `huePickerContainerStyle` | ViewPropTypes.style | `{}` | style for the hue picker container |
| `huePickerBorderRadius` | number | `0` | border radius for the hue picker |
| `huePickerHue` | number | `0` | hue value(`h` in `hsv`, ranged in `[0, 360]`) for the hue picker |
| `huePickerBarWidth` | number | `12` | bar width for the hue picker |
| `huePickerBarHeight` | number | `200` | bar height for the hue picker |
| `huePickerSliderSize` | number | `24` | slider diameter for the hue picker |
| `satValPickerContainerStyle` | ViewPropTypes.style | `{}` | style for the saturation & value picker container |
| `satValPickerBorderRadius` | number | `0` | border radius for the saturation & value picker |
| `satValPickerSize` | number | `200` | width / height for the saturation & value picker |
| `satValPickerSliderSize` | number | `24` | slider diameter for the saturation & value picker |
| `satValPickerHue` | number | `0` | hue value(`h` in `hsv`, ranged in `[0, 360]`) for the saturation & value picker |
| `satValPickerSaturation` | number | `1` | saturation value(`s` in `hsv`, ranged in `[0, 1]`) for the saturation & value picker |
| `satValPickerValue` | number | `1` | value(`v` in `hsv`, ranged in `[0, 1]`) for the saturation & value picker |
#### Callback Props
| Prop | Callback Params | Description |
|--|--| -- |
| `onHuePickerDragStart` | {<br> hue: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when hue picker starts to drag |
| `onHuePickerDragMove` | {<br> hue: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when hue picker is dragging |
| `onHuePickerDragEnd` | {<br> hue: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when hue picker stops dragging |
| `onHuePickerDragTerminate` | {<br> hue: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when another component has become the responder |
| `onHuePickerPress` | {<br> hue: number,<br> nativeEvent: [nativeEvent](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when hue picker is pressed |
| `onSatValPickerDragStart` | {<br> saturation: number,<br> value: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when saturation & value picker starts to drag |
| `onSatValPickerDragMove` | {<br> saturation: number,<br> value: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when saturation & value picker is dragging |
| `onSatValPickerDragEnd` | {<br> saturation: number,<br> value: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when saturation & value picker stops dragging |
| `onSatValPickerDragTerminate` | {<br> saturation: number,<br> value: number,<br> gestureState: [gestureState](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when another component has become the responder |
| `onSatValPickerPress` | {<br> saturation: number,<br> value: number,<br> nativeEvent: [nativeEvent](https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/panresponder)<br>} | called when saturation & value picker is pressed |
## Methods
#### Instance Methods
> Use [`ref`](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/refs-and-the-dom.html) to call instance methods
| Method | Params | Return Type| Description |
|--|:--:|:--:| -- |
| `getCurrentColor` | - | `string` | get current picked color in hex format |
## Dev
> The `demo` folder contains a standalone Expo project, which can be used for dev purpose.
> react-native - 0.61 <br />
> react - 16.9
1. Start Expo
$ npm install
$ npm start
Run on simulator
after the project is booted upa
for android
for iOS
simulatorRun on device
iOS client
or android client
on the deviceTerminal
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