yuanlii / SAND-project

Working documents of SAND project.
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SAND Project Documentation

Final Documentation

Project overview

Relevant URLs:

UM ELK instance at AGLT2 need to access via UM campus networks

Information about Tier-2 center - link

Information on Open Science Grid (OSG) - link

WLCG - link

Kibana interface to main ATLAS analytics platform - link

main OSG/WLCG MaDDash site - link provides a high-level view of the various perfSONAR network measurement results

About ATLAS ML platform

website - need to log in with CERN account Alternative URLs (use without CERN account): https://codas.slateci.net/ https://codas.slateci.net

This instance can access all of the Elasticsearch data and is equipped with GPUs if you need them for a machine learning algorithms.

About network metrics

ps_trace ps_packet_loss *more please see shared drive SAND Project/Documents/Data Documentation folder

Building dashboards in Kibana

Kibana page - link Allows to browse but cannot edit

Kibana development page - link
needs to log in with user name and password Allows edit

Pull data from ElasticSearch (on-going)

Python code snippets - reference

Learning Resources & Previous Works

Udemy ElasticSearch tutorial Documentation of Kibana dashboard built by Yuan (01/2019-04/2019) - link


Slack channel

Useful Resources