yuanming-hu / taichi_mpm

High-performance moving least squares material point method (MLS-MPM) solver. (ACM Transactions on Graphics, SIGGRAPH 2018)
MIT License
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High-Performance MLS-MPM Solver with Cutting and Coupling (CPIC) (MIT License)

A Moving Least Squares Material Point Method with Displacement Discontinuity and Two-Way Rigid Body Coupling, ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018).

By Yuanming Hu (MIT CSAIL), Yu Fang (Tsinghua University), Ziheng Ge (University of Science and Technology of China), Ziyin Qu (University of Pennsylvania), Yixin Zhu (UCLA), Andre Pradhana (University of Pennsylvania), Chenfanfu Jiang (University of Pennsylvania).

Welcome to join the Discussion Forum.


[Introduction & Demo Video] [Paper] [Supplemental Document] [88-Line MLS-MPM]

[SIGGRAPH 2018 Fast Forward] [PDF Slides] [PDF Slides with Notes]

88-Line Version (MIT License) [Download C++ & Javascript versions]

Update Nov 2021: with the new Taichi programming language, you can run MLS-MPM on GPU with Python 3 after pip install taichi

Supports Linux, OS X and Windows. Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Arch Linux, MinGW, VS2017, OS X 10.11~10.14. No need to install taichi or taichi_mpm - see the end of code for instructions.

//88-Line 2D Moving Least Squares Material Point Method (MLS-MPM)[with comments]
//#define TC_IMAGE_IO   // Uncomment this line for image exporting functionality
#include "taichi.h"    // Note: You DO NOT have to install taichi or taichi_mpm.
using namespace taichi;// You only need [taichi.h] - see below for instructions.
const int n = 80 /*grid resolution (cells)*/, window_size = 800;
const real dt = 1e-4_f, frame_dt = 1e-3_f, dx = 1.0_f / n, inv_dx = 1.0_f / dx;
auto particle_mass = 1.0_f, vol = 1.0_f;
auto hardening = 10.0_f, E = 1e4_f, nu = 0.2_f;
real mu_0 = E / (2 * (1 + nu)), lambda_0 = E * nu / ((1+nu) * (1 - 2 * nu));
using Vec = Vector2; using Mat = Matrix2; bool plastic = true;
struct Particle { Vec x, v; Mat F, C; real Jp; int c/*color*/;
  Particle(Vec x, int c, Vec v=Vec(0)) : x(x), v(v), F(1), C(0), Jp(1), c(c){}};
std::vector<Particle> particles;
Vector3 grid[n + 1][n + 1];          // velocity + mass, node_res = cell_res + 1

void advance(real dt) {
  std::memset(grid, 0, sizeof(grid));                              // Reset grid
  for (auto &p : particles) {                                             // P2G
    Vector2i base_coord=(p.x*inv_dx-Vec(0.5_f)).cast<int>();//element-wise floor
    Vec fx = p.x * inv_dx - base_coord.cast<real>();
    // Quadratic kernels  [http://mpm.graphics   Eqn. 123, with x=fx, fx-1,fx-2]
    Vec w[3]{Vec(0.5) * sqr(Vec(1.5) - fx), Vec(0.75) - sqr(fx - Vec(1.0)),
             Vec(0.5) * sqr(fx - Vec(0.5))};
    auto e = std::exp(hardening * (1.0_f - p.Jp)), mu=mu_0*e, lambda=lambda_0*e;
    real J = determinant(p.F);         //                         Current volume
    Mat r, s; polar_decomp(p.F, r, s); //Polar decomp. for fixed corotated model
    auto stress =                           // Cauchy stress times dt and inv_dx
        -4*inv_dx*inv_dx*dt*vol*(2*mu*(p.F-r) * transposed(p.F)+lambda*(J-1)*J);
    auto affine = stress+particle_mass*p.C;
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { // Scatter to grid
        auto dpos = (Vec(i, j) - fx) * dx;
        Vector3 mv(p.v * particle_mass, particle_mass); //translational momentum
        grid[base_coord.x + i][base_coord.y + j] +=
            w[i].x*w[j].y * (mv + Vector3(affine*dpos, 0));
  for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++) for(int j = 0; j <= n; j++) { //For all grid nodes
      auto &g = grid[i][j];
      if (g[2] > 0) {                                // No need for epsilon here
        g /= g[2];                                   //        Normalize by mass
        g += dt * Vector3(0, -200, 0);               //                  Gravity
        real boundary=0.05,x=(real)i/n,y=real(j)/n; //boundary thick.,node coord
        if (x < boundary||x > 1-boundary||y > 1-boundary) g=Vector3(0); //Sticky
        if (y < boundary) g[1] = std::max(0.0_f, g[1]);             //"Separate"
  for (auto &p : particles) {                                // Grid to particle
    Vector2i base_coord=(p.x*inv_dx-Vec(0.5_f)).cast<int>();//element-wise floor
    Vec fx = p.x * inv_dx - base_coord.cast<real>();
    Vec w[3]{Vec(0.5) * sqr(Vec(1.5) - fx), Vec(0.75) - sqr(fx - Vec(1.0)),
             Vec(0.5) * sqr(fx - Vec(0.5))};
    p.C = Mat(0); p.v = Vec(0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
        auto dpos = (Vec(i, j) - fx),
            grid_v = Vec(grid[base_coord.x + i][base_coord.y + j]);
        auto weight = w[i].x * w[j].y;
        p.v += weight * grid_v;                                      // Velocity
        p.C += 4 * inv_dx * Mat::outer_product(weight * grid_v, dpos); // APIC C
    p.x += dt * p.v;                                                // Advection
    auto F = (Mat(1) + dt * p.C) * p.F;                      // MLS-MPM F-update
    Mat svd_u, sig, svd_v; svd(F, svd_u, sig, svd_v);
    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * int(plastic); i++)                // Snow Plasticity
      sig[i][i] = clamp(sig[i][i], 1.0_f - 2.5e-2_f, 1.0_f + 7.5e-3_f);
    real oldJ = determinant(F); F = svd_u * sig * transposed(svd_v);
    real Jp_new = clamp(p.Jp * oldJ / determinant(F), 0.6_f, 20.0_f);
    p.Jp = Jp_new; p.F = F;
void add_object(Vec center, int c) {   // Seed particles with position and color
  for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++)  // Randomly sample 1000 particles in the square
    particles.push_back(Particle((Vec::rand()*2.0_f-Vec(1))*0.08_f + center, c));
int main() {
  GUI gui("Real-time 2D MLS-MPM", window_size, window_size);
  add_object(Vec(0.55,0.45), 0xED553B); add_object(Vec(0.45,0.65), 0xF2B134);
  add_object(Vec(0.55,0.85), 0x068587); auto &canvas = gui.get_canvas();int f=0;
  for (int i = 0;; i++) {                              //              Main Loop
    advance(dt);                                       //     Advance simulation
    if (i % int(frame_dt / dt) == 0) {                 //        Visualize frame
      canvas.clear(0x112F41);                          //       Clear background
      canvas.rect(Vec(0.04), Vec(0.96)).radius(2).color(0x4FB99F).close();// Box
      for(auto p:particles)canvas.circle(p.x).radius(2).color(p.c);//Particles
      gui.update();                                              // Update image
      // canvas.img.write_as_image(fmt::format("tmp/{:05d}.png", f++));
} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
** Reference: A Moving Least Squares Material Point Method with Displacement
              Discontinuity and Two-Way Rigid Body Coupling (SIGGRAPH 2018)

  By Yuanming Hu (who also wrote this 88-line version), Yu Fang, Ziheng Ge,
           Ziyin Qu, Yixin Zhu, Andre Pradhana, Chenfanfu Jiang

** Build Instructions:

Step 1: Download and unzip mls-mpm88.zip (Link: http://bit.ly/mls-mpm88)
        Now you should have "mls-mpm88.cpp" and "taichi.h".

Step 2: Compile and run

* Linux:
    g++ mls-mpm88.cpp -std=c++14 -g -lX11 -lpthread -O3 -o mls-mpm

* Windows (MinGW):
    g++ mls-mpm88.cpp -std=c++14 -lgdi32 -lpthread -O3 -o mls-mpm

* Windows (Visual Studio 2017+):
  - Create an "Empty Project"
  - Use taichi.h as the only header, and mls-mpm88.cpp as the only source
  - Change configuration to "Release" and "x64"
  - Press F5 to compile and run

* OS X:
    g++ mls-mpm88.cpp -std=c++14 -framework Cocoa -lpthread -O3 -o mls-mpm

** FAQ:
Q1: What does "1e-4_f" mean?
A1: The same as 1e-4f, a float precision real number.

Q2: What is "real"?
A2: real = float in this file.

Q3: What are the hex numbers like 0xED553B?
A3: They are RGB color values.
    The color scheme is borrowed from

Q4: How can I get higher-quality?
A4: Change n to 320; Change dt to 1e-5; Change E to 2e4;
    Change particle per cube from 500 to 8000 (Ln 72).
    After the change the whole animation takes ~3 minutes on my computer.

Q5: How to record the animation?
A5: Uncomment Ln 2 and 85 and create a folder named "tmp".
    The frames will be saved to "tmp/XXXXX.png".

    To get a video, you can use ffmpeg. If you already have taichi installed,
    you can simply go to the "tmp" folder and execute

      ti video 60

    where 60 stands for 60 FPS. A file named "video.mp4" is what you want.

Q6: How was taichi.h generated?
A6: Please check out my #include <taichi> talk:
    and the generation script:
    You can regenerate it using `ti amal`, if you have taichi installed.

Questions go to yuanming _at_ mit.edu
                            or https://github.com/yuanming-hu/taichi_mpm/issues.

                                                      Last Update: March 6, 2019
                                                      Version 1.5

----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Installing the High-Performance 3D Solver

(This is for installing the high-performance 2D/3D solver including MLS-MPM and CPIC. If you want to play with the 88-line MLS-MPM, you don't have to install anything - see here)

Linux and OSX

Install taichi (legacy branch). Then, in command line

ti install mpm

and it will install this taichi package automatically.


Support coming later.

Run demos

Every script under the folder scripts/mls-cpic is executable with python3.

Visualize the results

Python 3 API


(You only need to specify res in most cases. The default parameters generally work well.) All parameters:


Particle Attributes

Script Examples


Friction Coefficient



    object1 = mpm.add_particles(...)
    object2 = mpm.add_particles(...)

    mpm.add_articulation(type='motor', obj0=object1, obj1=object2, axis=(0, 0, 1), power=0.05)

Source Sampling

Mathematical Comparisons with Traditional MPM



Please cite our paper if you use this code for your research:

  title={A Moving Least Squares Material Point Method with Displacement Discontinuity and Two-Way Rigid Body Coupling},
  author={Hu, Yuanming and Fang, Yu and Ge, Ziheng and Qu, Ziyin and Zhu, Yixin and Pradhana, Andre and Jiang, Chenfanfu},
  journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},