yug95 / node-mysql

Node with mysql boilerplate
MIT License
76 stars 47 forks source link
ajv artillery bcrypt-encryption bcrypt-nodejs express jwt-authentication jwt-middleware jwt-token mvc-framework mysql mysql-database node-module node-mysql nodejs nodemailer nodemon pm2 swagger swagger2 xampp

Node with MySQL BoilerPlate/Framework

A simple and structured way boilerplate for Node with MySQL, equipped with MVC layer model with basic validation of schema and common error handler, authentication and easily pluggable code base.

This Boilerplate have a basic CRUD operation with MySQL, authetication of API endpoint with JWT Token and Validation of request and response of each route. It contained a documentation folder which contain swagger documentation easy for front-end developer to use and understand. It contained Pm2 which helps to restart, reload and monitor application in production, provides zero downtime availability. It has Nodemailer which will send email. It has bcrypt module which will encrypt password and make it more secure. It contain Artillery for load testing.


Used Packages


 npm install mysql 

2. Express

npm install express 

3. Ajv

npm install ajv 

4. JWT

npm install jsonwebtoken 

5. Nodemon

npm install nodemon 

6. pm2

npm install pm2  

7. nodemailer

npm install nodemailer  

8. artillery

npm install artillery  

9. bcrypt

npm install bcrypt  

Table Creation In DB

  1. Create Table user with id,name,age,state,country columns.
  2. you can try creating your table as well just need to change query and table name in model section.

Get Started

  1. $ git clone https://github.com/yug95/node-mysql.git
  2. $ npm install
  3. Launch Enviornment:
    • $ node app.js or nodemon app.js
  4. In Cluster mode with the help of pm2 [optional step]:
    • $ pm2 start app.js or pm2 start app.js -i <no of instances>
  5. Open in browser:
    • open http://localhost:9890

API Usage

  1. signup route - http://localhost:9890/api/signup
    • pass json object contain username and password.
  2. login route - http://localhost:9890/api/login
    • pass json object contain username and password.
  3. other crud route are in secureApi - localhost:9890/secureApi/user.
    • In all GET, PUT, DELETE and POST request pass token in header which you get in login response.

Example object for login request (body as JSON object) -


For Other Crud request -


Note: You have to pass token for each request as header which youi will get in login response.


Swagger Related task

  1. How to Open Swagger -
  2. Go to File and import file option, import JSON file present in document folder.
  3. To Download HTML file of particular JSON
    • Go to Generate Client option and html2 option it will download html file.
  4. Know more about Swagger Check here

Artillery Run

  1. First go to /loadtest folder
  2. you can use artillery in 2 way :-
    • by hardcoding data in yml file.
    • getting data by .csv file.
  3. For option 1 run - artillery run hello.yml
  4. For option 2 first get CSV file with data.
  5. define path in yml file and run example as i Did :- artillery run hellocsv.yml