Results: Postgres 5433 port process shuts down:
2022-07-09 16:05:53.502 UTC [82698] LOG: database system is shut down
2022-07-09 16:05:53.629 UTC [82700] LOG: YugaByte is ENABLED in PostgreSQL. Transactions are enabled.
2022-07-09 16:05:53.634 UTC [82700] FATAL: could not load server certificate file “/home/svc_pgdev/mnt/d0/yb-data/tserver/data/venaficerts/”: No such file or directory
I have provided a cert file pattern and key file pattern without a $ variable, since I want to use the same crt/key files across nodes. But Yugabyte seems to ignore that and look for node..key/crt - going by the error above. I am using v2.12. Do the cert and key file pattern flags work on my version, and are they correct?
If this generic file option is not supported today, it would be great if it is because if we are using a single key file for all nodes, we wish to have a simple pattern.
TServer config:
Master config:
The permissions on cert files:
Results: Postgres 5433 port process shuts down: yb-tserver.out
I have provided a cert file pattern and key file pattern without a $ variable, since I want to use the same crt/key files across nodes. But Yugabyte seems to ignore that and look for node..key/crt - going by the error above. I am using v2.12. Do the cert and key file pattern flags work on my version, and are they correct?
If this generic file option is not supported today, it would be great if it is because if we are using a single key file for all nodes, we wish to have a simple pattern.