Jira Link: DB-2067
Currently our sample apps don't support flags to provide a cert and a key file to connect to the YSQL endpoint. We have a flag called ssl_cert for YCQL connections. We can modify that flag to be called ycql_cert and add two new flags called ysql_cert and ysql_key [docs].
The cert then needs to be passed while making the jdbc connection here: https://github.com/yugabyte/yb-sample-apps/blob/master/src/main/java/com/yugabyte/sample/apps/AppBase.java#L148
The flags for the Connection class are here
Jira Link: DB-2067 Currently our sample apps don't support flags to provide a cert and a key file to connect to the YSQL endpoint. We have a flag called
for YCQL connections. We can modify that flag to be calledycql_cert
and add two new flags calledysql_cert
[docs]. The cert then needs to be passed while making the jdbc connection here: https://github.com/yugabyte/yb-sample-apps/blob/master/src/main/java/com/yugabyte/sample/apps/AppBase.java#L148 The flags for the Connection class are here