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Document how to analyze queries with examples: pg_stat_statements #6517

Closed rkarthik007 closed 3 years ago

rkarthik007 commented 3 years ago

It would be good to add a section here: https://docs.yugabyte.com/latest/develop/

The ask is to add the following:

ghost commented 3 years ago

I want to try it. @rkarthik007

ghost commented 3 years ago


The database is a larger application, needs to consume a lot of memory CPU, IO, and network resources. SQL optimization is one of the methods of database optimization. First of all, we must understand the most resource-consuming SQL, namely TOP SQL. The pg_stat_statements module provides a means for tracking planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server. If you use yugabyte and you haven’t yet used pg_stat_statements, it is a must to add it to your toolbox. And even if you are familiar, it may be worth a revisit.

Install pg_stat_statements

It is installed by default.

Load the pg_stat_statements module

In var/var/data/pg_data/postgresql.conf of yugabyte home directory, the hared_preload_libraries configration parameters should be modified.

yugabyte=# show shared_preload_libraries;
(1 row)

If you want to track IO elapsed time, you also need to turn on the following parameters in postgresql.conf

track_io_timing = on

Set the maximum length of a single SQL to exceed the truncated display (optional) in postgresql.conf, for example:

track_activity_query_size = 2048 

Configure the pg_stat_statements sampling parameters in postgresql.conf, for example:

pg_stat_statements.max = 10000      
pg_stat_statements.track = all 
pg_stat_statements.track_utility = off  
pg_stat_statements.save = on  

Create pg_stat_statements extension

yugabyte=# drop extension pg_stat_statements;
yugabyte=# create extension pg_stat_statements;

Restart yugabyte database

$ yugabyted start

Analyze the TOP SQL

yugabyte=# \d pg_stat_statements;
                    View "public.pg_stat_statements"
       Column        |       Type       | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 userid              | oid              |           |          | 
 dbid                | oid              |           |          | 
 queryid             | bigint           |           |          | 
 query               | text             |           |          | 
 calls               | bigint           |           |          | 
 total_time          | double precision |           |          | 
 min_time            | double precision |           |          | 
 max_time            | double precision |           |          | 
 mean_time           | double precision |           |          | 
 stddev_time         | double precision |           |          | 
 rows                | bigint           |           |          | 
 shared_blks_hit     | bigint           |           |          | 
 shared_blks_read    | bigint           |           |          | 
 shared_blks_dirtied | bigint           |           |          | 
 shared_blks_written | bigint           |           |          | 
 local_blks_hit      | bigint           |           |          | 
 local_blks_read     | bigint           |           |          | 
 local_blks_dirtied  | bigint           |           |          | 
 local_blks_written  | bigint           |           |          | 
 temp_blks_read      | bigint           |           |          | 
 temp_blks_written   | bigint           |           |          | 
 blk_read_time       | double precision |           |          | 
 blk_write_time      | double precision |           |          | 
yugabyte=# \x

The most consumption IO TOP 10 SQL

select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by (blk_read_time+blk_write_time)/calls desc limit 10;    -- mean
select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by (blk_read_time+blk_write_time) desc limit 10;     -- total

The most time-consuming TOP 10 SQL

select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by mean_time desc limit 10;    -- mean time
select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by total_time desc limit 10;      -- total time

The most serious response time jitter TOP 10 SQL

select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by stddev_time desc limit 10;  

The most consuming shared memory TOP 10 SQL

select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by (shared_blks_hit+shared_blks_dirtied) desc limit 10;

The most temporary space consuming TOP 10 SQL

select userid::regrole, dbid, query from pg_stat_statements order by temp_blks_written desc limit 10;    

Reset statistics

select pg_stat_statements_reset();   
polarweasel commented 3 years ago

@m-iancu can you please review this? I'll get it into a PR once you give it the thumbs-up.

m-iancu commented 3 years ago

This looks great. A general note is that some of the storage-related fields are not yet fully populated in YSQL. So let's leave out the IO consumption and shared memory examples. We can keep the other (The most time-consuming TOP 10 SQL, The most serious response time jitter TOP 10 SQL, and The most temporary space consuming TOP 10 SQL) examples. cc @ramsrivatsa for additional notes.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Can I initiate a PR for this issue? This will make it easier for everyone to modify the corresponding content? @polarweasel @m-iancu

polarweasel commented 3 years ago

Yes @EthanDBer please open a PR. Thanks!

ghost commented 3 years ago

PTAL @polarweasel