This is a feature request for the ability to improve logging of tserver/tmaster and other surrounding logs of the underlying services operating a YB cluster.
Problem solved:
The use-case for this was that they wanted to send their logs into Azure's log collection (log analytics) agent. In order for this to work there are a couple of requirements.
The date format from the log needs to be consistent and a common recognizable format which is not available currently. Right now the log format is not configurable. It is desired to enter a log format configuration so they can be properly integrated with log aggregation tools more easily.
Something with macros in a formatter like:
“%D/%M/%Y %h:%m:%s.%l [%E] %X” which will be formatted as “02/04/2021 03:35:14.32 [E0440] could not format log properly”
Jira Link: DB-1758 Description:
This is a feature request for the ability to improve logging of tserver/tmaster and other surrounding logs of the underlying services operating a YB cluster.
Problem solved:
The use-case for this was that they wanted to send their logs into Azure's log collection (log analytics) agent. In order for this to work there are a couple of requirements.
Something with macros in a formatter like:
“%D/%M/%Y %h:%m:%s.%l [%E] %X” which will be formatted as “02/04/2021 03:35:14.32 [E0440] could not format log properly”
Reference ticket: