yuhaozhang / convirt

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The CheXpert 8x200 image-image and text-image retrieval evaluation sets


The images used in this evaluation are drawn from the CheXpert dataset. Please make sure to download the CheXpert dataset with all images before proceeding.

Data Files

  1. image-retrieval: This directory hosts files for the image-image retrieval evaluation.
  1. text-retrieval: This directory hosts files for the text-image retrieval evaluation.


A retrieved image from all the candidates is considered correct only if its label matches the label of the query image or text. For example, for a query image from the Atelectasis category, a retrieved image is only considered a positive retrieval if its label for Atelectasis is 1. The retrieval metrics such as Precision@10 are then calculated based on this criterion.


For details on how the data is collected and used, please refer to this paper.