yuhuixu1993 / BNET

Batch Normalization with Enhanced Linear Transformation
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Batch Normalization with Enhanced Linear Transformation

BNET has been accepted by T-PAMI. This repository provides the PyTorch implementation of Batch Normalization with Enhanced Linear Transformation



Model Zoo

Backbone BN Lr schd Inf time (fps) box AP Download
Faster-R-50-FPN BN 1x 18.0 37.5 model
Faster-R-50-FPN BNET-3 1x 17.1 39.5 model
Faster-R-50-FPN BNET-5 1x 16.3 40.1 model
Faster-R-50-FPN BNET-5 2x 16.3 42.4 model
Faster-R-50-FPN BNET-7 1x 15.5 40.7 model
Faster-R-101-FPN BN 1x 13.4 39.4 model
Faster-R-101-FPN BNET-3 1x 13.0 40.7 model
Faster-R-101-FPN BNET-5 1x 12.2 41.8 model
Faster-R-101-FPN BNET-5 2x 12.2 43.7 model
Backbone BN Lr schd Inf time (fps) box AP Download
Retina-R-101-FPN BN 1x 12.8 38.5 model
Retina-R-101-FPN BNET-5 1x 11.4 40.7 model
Backbone BN Lr schd box AP mask AP Download
Mask-R-50-FPN BN 1x 38.2 34.7 model
Mask-R-50-FPN BNET-3 1x 40.2 36.4 model
Mask-R-50-FPN BNET-5 1x 40.8 36.7 model
Mask-R-101-FPN BN 1x 40.0 36.1 model
Mask-R-101-FPN BNET-3 1x 42.2 37.8 model
Mask-R-101-FPN BNET-5 1x 42.5 37.9 model


If you use BNET in your research, please cite this project.

  title   = {Batch Normalization with Enhanced Linear Normalization},
  author  = {Xu, Yuhui and Xie, Lingxi and Xie, Cihang and Mei, Jieru and
             Qiao, Siyuan and Wei, Shen and Xiong, Hongkai and Alan, Yuille},
  journal= {arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.14150},