yukiyuqichen / CHAR

Chinese character variant converter. 中文异体字转换器。
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Chinese Character Variant Converter,

an open-source library for converting Chinese character variants to standard simplified or traditional characters.

* About the project's name and logo: "CHAR" comes from "Chinese character variant" and also refers to a type of beautiful fish with a gradient of red color (Arctic Char).

Online Demo

Char Converter Demo



pip install char-converter


Important Note: We have been checking and updating the data from time to time. Please run the following command to ensure the package is the latest version before using it to handle important mateirals every time.

pip install char-converter -U


Convert text

  1. Mode: one2one
    from char_converter import CharConverter

text = '苟馀情其訫姱㠯练要兮,镸顑頷亦何伤。'

converter = CharConverter('v2t') converted_text = converter.convert(text)


converter = CharConverter('v2s') converted_text = converter.convert(text)


2. Mode: one2many

from char_converter import CharConverter

text = '鈡𩄇毓秀'

converter = CharConverter('v2t') converter.set_mode('one2many') converted_text = converter.convert(text)


### Convert file

from char_converter import CharConverter

converter = CharConverter('v2s') converter.convert_file(input_file, output_file)

# Data source

**[CBDB Project](https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/cbdb)**
<img src="https://projects.iq.harvard.edu/sites/projects.iq.harvard.edu/files/cbdb/files/logo.png?m=1696407478" width="35">

<img src="https://c.disquscdn.com/uploads/users/3634/6167/avatar200.jpg?1660808503" width="25">

**[Dictionary of Variant Chinese Characters](https://dict.variants.moe.edu.tw/variants/rbt/home.do)**

**[General Standard Chinese Characters Table](http://www.moe.gov.cn/jyb_sjzl/ziliao/A19/201306/t20130601_186002.html)**

# Data filtering

# Contributors

**Yuqi Chen** (data collection and programming)

**Hongsu Wang** (project manager)

**Yiyi Wang** (proofreading)

**Fengyi Ji** (data collection)

**Kaini Xiong** (proofreading)

## License

[![License: CC BY-SA 4.0](https://licensebuttons.net/l/by-sa/4.0/88x31.png)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/)