yummycoding / weLoveFaceBook

A social media web application based on Angular 4, Node.js and MongoDB. Documents: https://yummycoding.github.io/
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WeLoveFacebook (Gatorbook)

Gatorbook is a Facebook-like social network web application built using MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express, Angular 4, Node.js), with nearly ALL features you have on a facebook!

Table of Contents

About MEAN Stack

Setup and Install

The following instructions are the most common ways to get the development environment up and running, if you run into issues, check out the feedback section and let us know what issues you met.

Node v6.11.2

You need Node 6.11.2 in your system. Verify if you already have it with node -v. If not or different version, you can use Node Version Manager (nvm) to install it.

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.24.1/install.sh | bash
source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh
nvm install 0.12
nvm use 0.12

NPM global dependencies

# Nodemon
npm install -g nodemon

# Express
npm install -g express

# Mocha
npm install -g mocha

# Mongoose
npm install -g mongoose

# Supertest
npm install -g supertest

# Cors
npm install -g cors

# jwt
npm install -g jwt

# bcrypt-nodejs
npm install -g bcrypt-nodejs

MongoDB v3.4.9

Source code

To install our source code

git clone https://github.com/yummycoding/weLoveFaceBook
cd weLoveFaceBook
npm install

Mount Program

After setting up the environment needed and installing our source code, now you can mount Gatorbook server and use the app on your own end!

To mount Gatorbook server:

Enjoy using Gatorbook:


For testing, we did unit testing for both front and back end when developing, also e2e testing were done to make sure project works as a whole.


If you have any doubts, questions or ideas for improvement, feel free to give us your feedback here !

License and Authors



Name GitHub ID Contact Information
You Zhou ZhouYou528
Junhao Zhang zjunhao
Zhuoru Li wobusimanong
Zhenqian Guo GrandStar & smallGrandstar