yunap / traceit

jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that lets you dynamically trace page elements. Now also available as AngularJs directive:
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traceit is a jQuery plugin based on raphael.js that allows you dynamically trace page elements. It was written using jQuery prototypal inheritance plugin boilerplate Authors: Alex Sexton & Scott Gonzalez.

traceit adds a dynamic trace to any element on a page; configure its stroke width, animation speed, stroke/fill color and opacity as well as onHide, onClick and onEndTrace callback functions.

v 1.0 Trace size does not adapt to contents.

Plays nicely with Backbone.js and RequireJS


jquery.traceit.js examples

Now available as Angularjs directive


//Initialize a trace instance with:

//you can later refer to it by doing:
var inst = $('#elem').data('trace');

//or call

What can I configure? All options are optional. Here are the default options. You can overwrite each and every one of them. The trace constructor accepts the following traceOpt options object.

    traceOpt: {
        traceCanvasPadding: 10,
        redrawSpeed: 3500,
        traceDivPref: "_wrap",
        traceCursor: 'pointer',
        traceOpt: {
            'stroke': 'yellow',
            'stroke-width': 5,
            'stroke-opacity': 1,
            'fill': 'none',
            'fill-opacity': 0,
            'zindex': 9999
        isVisible: true,
        // will position relative to the document by default
        useRelativePositioning: false, 
        onHide: function () {
            console.log("onHide callback was invoked.")
        onEndTrace: function () {
            console.log("onEndTrace callback was invoked.")
        onClick: function (me) {
                opacity: 0
            }, 1000, function () {

Methods and Events

Methods are actions taken on trace instances. Methods can be called directly or by triggering the following events: hide.trace, show.trace, adjust.trace.

//to hide the trace shape do:

//or call hideTrace method directly:

//to show previously initialized trace shape do:

//or call showTrace method directly:

//to replay trace animation do:
    type: 'adjust.trace',
    adjustments: adjustments_object

//or call reTrace(opt) method directly:

To call the onClick callback function do:



We can delete trace instance by triggering "delete.trace" event.



Can I have callbacks? Sure.

    onClick: function () {
        console.log('triggered when user clicks on a trace shape.');
    onHide: function () {
        console.log('triggered when hide animation completes.');
    onEndTrace: function () {
        console.log("triggered when trace animation completes.");


Yuna Portnoy /


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