yunastrian / Rankquirements

Simple application to perform requirement prioritization task
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Rankquirements is a simple application to perform requirement prioritization task. This application was developed as part of my thesis. It facilitates Collaboration Value Oriented Prioritization method which was proposed in my thesis.

Tech Stack



  1. Make a copy .env.example and change its name to .env
  2. Customize .env file with your configuration
  3. Create a new database with the same name as defined in .env file
  4. Run these commands in terminal
    composer install
    composer update
    php artisan storage:link
    php artisan key:generate
    php artisan config:cache
    php artisan migrate
  5. Congratulation, the application has been successfully installed. Run the application with this command
    php artisan serve


Kurniandha Sukma Yunastrian