yunguan-wang / Spacia

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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: Inferring Cell-cell Interaction from Spatial Transcriptomics Data


Multicellular organisms heavily rely on cell-cell interactions to effectively coordinate and regulate various biological processes, ensuring the normal functioning of the organism. Spacia models and evaluates cell-cell interactions from spatial transcriptomic data (SRT). This model uses cell-cell proximity as a constraint and prioritizes cell-cell interactions that cause a downstream change in the cells. Spacia employs a Bayesian multi-instance learning (MIL) framework to assess intercellular communication between cells and their neighbors.

Graphical abstract

Python interface


This project requires R and Python with the following dependencies:


OS requirement:

Spacia is developed and tested in a Linux environment with x86-64 architecture (Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.9).

R Packages:

Python Packages:

We strongly recommend using conda to manage the installation of all dependencies. To set up the environment and install specific versions, run the following commands:

conda create --name spacia
conda activate spacia
# conda config --add channels conda-forge # If you do not have this channel added previously
conda install python=3.8 pandas=2.0.3 scikit-learn=1.3.0 numpy=1.24.3 scipy=1.10.1 matplotlib=3.7.2

# If you are having trouble setting up the python env, try removing the version restrictions for the packages.
conda install python=3.8 pandas scikit-learn numpy scipy matplotlib

Install the R packages:

install.packages(c('coda', 'ggmcmc', 'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo', 'rjson', 'data.table'))

Then, download this repo.

git clone [repo_path]

The total installation time is around 10 minutes. If an error occurs, please upgrade pip and try again.

Note: If you are on a macOS and do not have the Xcode Command Line Tools installed, please do so by running xcode-select --install in terminal.

Test installation

Test Spacia using a simple test script by:


The output should look like this

Testing Spacia with a single gene as response feature and simple aggregation
Test Succeeded.
Testing Spacia with multiple genes as response feature and no agg mode
Test Succeeded.
Testing Spacia with multiple genes as response feature and pca agg mode
Test Succeeded.

Note: You may get some warning messages from the Rcpp package, but this does not affect the performance of the software.

About the test data

The test data, available in this repo at test/input, is a randomly generated dataset for the purpose of validating the installation only, and thus there is no interpretation associated with the test results.

The test data contains a gene expression matrix (counts.txt) and a cell metadata table (spacia_metadata.txt).

The gene expression data is a 2,844 x 100 cell-by-gene matrix, where the first column is cell names, and the first row is the gene names. gene1 gene2 gene3 gene4 gene5
cell_0 1.06 2.14 1.36 0.94 1.52
cell_1 0.97 2.42 1.43 1.21 1.17
cell_2 0.76 2.16 1.07 1.46 1.47
cell_3 0.82 2.01 1.25 1.18 2.13

The cell metadata contains spatial coordinates of each cell, as well as its cell type assignment.

X Y cell_type
cell_0 0 0 A
cell_1 0 1 B
cell_2 0 2 B
cell_3 0 3 A

Singularity Container

A singularity container is built and tested in singularity>=4.1. It can be downloaded by running

cd [path/to/spacia]
singularity pull --arch amd64 library://yunguanwang/spacia/spacia:latest

To test the singularity container, simply run the following commands:

cd [path/to/spacia]
singularity exec python

A successful spacia run through the singularity container should produce the same results as seen in the previous Test section.

Running using singularity will require mapping the local folder to the container. For example, if the input data for is in the /data/input folder, and you want to map it to the /wd folder for the singularity container to use, run the following command:

singularity exec --bind /data/input:/wd python /wd/spacia_inputs_1.txt /wd/spacia_inputs_2.txt [additional_arguments]


Definition of terms used in Spacia

Interaction: Relationship between a pair interactants that potentially leads to downstream signalling events in cells. The interactant can be a gene or a geneset.

Signal: The interactant in the interaction that is causing downstream signaling events.

Response: The interactant in the interaction whose expression is changed as the result of activities from Signal.

Sender: A cell where the Signal is expressed.

Receiver: A cell where the Response is expressed.

Neighborhood: A regions centering around each Receivers that contains Senders of interest.

Quick start

Once the input data have been processed into the supported format, the full Spacia workflow can be run by calling the script. It evaluates interactions within the context of cell neighborhoods, where the ‘receiver’ cells are the cells of interest, and the cells from the neighborhood are referred to as "sender" cells. The interactant expressed in the receiver cells, through which the interactions are to be studied, are referred to as "Response", while the interactant expressed in the sender cells that potentially influence the responder genes are called signal “Signal".

python [path/to/] counts.txt cell_metadata.txt -rc celltype1 sc celltype2 -rf gene1 sf gene2

Here, counts.txt is a cell-by-gene matrix in TX format. We expect the data to be normalized as log1p(cpm).

cell_metadata.txt is a cell_by_metadata matrix in txt format in TXT format. Must contains X and Y columns for coordinates, and a cell_type column, referring to the group designation of cells, is needed if '-rc' or '-sc' parameters are given.

-rc and -sc refer to receiver cells and sender cells, respectively.

-rf and -sf refer to Response and Signal features. Here they are in form of single genes. Spacia can also take pathways in the format of a list of genes as input features.

Processing interactant expression

Spacia employs several different workflows to calculate interactant expression in cells, aiming to handle use cases of different purposes. The behavior is controlled largely by the --receiver_features and --sender_features parameters, and a few others to a lesser extent.

A summary of important parameters mentioned above

--receiver_features and --sender_features: Controls the interactants in Spacia, can be a single gene, a set of genes separated by "|", pca for the first unsupervised mode, or left blank for the second unsupervised mode.

--receiver_cluster and --sender_cluster, --cellid_file: Controls the cellular contexts of interactants in Spacia. --receiver_cluster and --sender_cluster must be cluster names present in metadata, if these are left blank, --cellid_file must be provided.

--corr_agg, --num_corr_genes and --corr_agg_method: Determines how the gene expression is aggregated.

List of other important parameters

--dist_cutoff or --n_neighbors: Determines the radius of the neighborhood around each receiver cell. Can be passed as an exact number to --dist_cutoff or estimated based on the required number of neighbors given by --n_neighbors.

--bag_size: The minimal size of each bag in the MIC model, i.e., the minimal number of sender cells within each receiver cell's neighborhood.

--number_bags: The number of bags used in the MIL model.

--mcmc_params: Advanced hyperparameters for the MIL model.

--output_path: Output folder for Spacia.

Output file format

The primary output of Spacia is a set of files containing a high level summary of the final results. These files are B_and_FDR.csv, Pathway_betas.csv, and Interactions.csv.

B_and_FDR.csv contains the b values of each response gene/pathway (first column) and the associated significance information.

Pathway_betas.csv contains the beta values representing the interaction between each response gene/pathway (first column) and signal gene/pathway (second columns).

Interactions.csv contains the primary instance scores of all receivers in each receiver-sender cell pair (second and third column) for each response-signal interaction (first column).

Advanced outputs

Spacia also saves the intermediate results in each Response_name folder, which are summarized into the primary output. These files include:

Diagnostic plots in pdf formats reporting the behavior of each MCMC chains.

Values of b and beta as calculated during each MCMC iteration/chain. [Response_name]_[b/beta].txt

Primary instance scores between each receiver and sender, in long format. To decode this, please refer to the model_input/metadata.txt file, and flatten the Sender_cells column. You can do this in Pandas using the str.split and explode functions.

R interface

For users who want to directly access the core of Spacia and perform more flexible analyses (we strongly encourage you to do so) , we provide an R interface that showcases the few key steps. Please remember to customize the workflow according to your needs/datasets. This interface showcases our suggested pipeline of data processing, and the codes should be self-explanatory. Our analysis codes of the prostate Merscope data (Fig. 2) are derived based on this workflow. The major pre-processing, inference, and post-processing steps shown in this R interface are overall consistent with those in We expect different SRT technologies to generate data in different formats and vary in quality. For maximum performance, we suggest that users perform data pre-processing and thorough quality filtering on their own, then massage the filtered data to the right format to feed into the core of Spacia. Please checkout our workflow for spatial gene signature analysis python notebook to run your own analysis and generate plots.


In addition to the R packages for, the following are needed to be installed:

Installation commands:

#core packages 
install.packages(c('coda', 'ggmcmc', 'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo', 'rjson', 'diptest', 'RcppProgress', 'jsonlite'))

#R interface specific packages
install.packages(c('optparse', 'filelock', 'ggplot2', 'patchwork', 'scales', 'gridExtra', 'dplyr', 'RColorBrewer'))

Test installation

We use the same example data under test/input to test the R interface. Note that the data and parameters used in the example below is only intended for a quick test and does not produce stable or usable output. For real data, users should use parameters closer to the default values, where possible, and expect higher resource usage and computation time.

export dir=[path/to/Spacia]
Rscript $dir/spacia.R \
    -x $dir/test/input/counts.txt \
    -m $dir/test/input/spacia_metadata.txt \
    -a $dir/spacia \
    -r B -s A -g gene2 \
    -q 0.252 -u 0.091 \
    -d 2 -l 5000 -w 2500 \
    -o $dir/test/r_test/

Use -h or --help to see detailed descriptions of options and inputs.

Outputs Fibroblasts-Tumor_cells_ACKR3.RData, Fibroblasts-Tumor_cells_ACKR3_betas.csv, and Fibroblasts-Tumor_cells_ACKR3_pip.csv should be generated under [path/to/Spacia]/test/r_test/.

Determining cutoffs

The R interface is updated to support automatic gene signature cutoffs for each receiving gene input, which determines appropriate bag labels from expression weighted by correlation. Simply omit the relevant options (-q, -u, and -t) and spacia.R will determine the cutoffs and generate the paramTable. You may also manually select the cutoffs by setting --generateCutoffs as False and find the subplot with a dip(bimodal distribution) with the most correlated genes, and record its correlation cutoff and the quantile cutoff where the dip is located.

Different cutoffs must be used for different combinations of receiving cell and receiving gene, and we recommend finding new cutoffs for each sending cell type as well. The included example shows the format compatible with spacia.R and can be passed to -t. This is analogues to the automated process in if --response_exp_cutoff 'auto' is used, but is more reliable.

Outline for large scale runs

Consider following these steps if running Spacia on a large scale (e.g. screen for all potential cell-to-cell communications in a MERSCOPE or CosMx dataset).

(1) Format and pre-process data.

We highly recommend users perform their own quality control and normalization. Spacia will perform rudimentary normalization if -C option is used, but will not perform any filtering. Cell types must be determined and present in the meta data csv, and cell names must be consistent between the inputs.

(2) Determine the scope of the analysis.

Due to costs in time and computation, we recommend users limit their analysis to cell types and genes of interest if possible. Note that spacia.R runs in the 'PCA' mode, thus its performance is not greatly affected by the number of genes in the input data and genes should not be removed to imporve performance. However, since each run consists of a combination of sending cell type, receiving cell type, and receiving gene, we recommend users at least limit the list of receiving genes to the most highly expressed genes in the receiving cells of interest in order to reduce the total number of Spacia jobs.

(3) Determine receiving gene cutoffs.

Run Spacia with a list of receiving genes as input for -g, with one output directory for each receiving cell type. We recommend organizing the output directory in the form of mainOutputDir/receivingCellType/sendingCellType/, although spacia.R will prefix output files with sendingCellType-receivingCellType_receivingGene, making it possible to use just one output directory. If the path passed to -o ends in /, it will be interpreted as a directory, otherwise it is considered a prefix. Though not optimal, it is acceptable to re-use cutoffs for interactions involving different sending cell types if they share the same receiving cell type. Determine and record the cutoffs for the desired receiving genes in seperate csv files for each receiving cell type as detailed in the Determining cutoffs section above.

(4) Parallelization.

Spacia jobs are independent of each other and can be run on different systems simultaneously. If a shared filesystem is available for output, users can simply run multiple instances of Spacia with the same output directory for each sending-receiving cell combination and leave -g blank, in which case all receiving genes in the corresponding csv entered for -t will be processed iteratively and lock files are used to avoid duplicate runs. Otherwise, manually divide the receiving genes for each cell type combination and provide these different lists as inputs for -g for seperate runs. After testing, we found that multiprocessing often results in longer overall run time for spacia.R, and we therefore did not include multiprocessing capability. We do not recommend running more than two spacia.R instances in parallel on one system, and systems with less than 20 physical CPU cores should only run jobs sequentially. From our experience, it’s better to scale Spacia runs using a large number of smaller systems, rather than on one single system with many cores. The relatively low memory usage of a given Spacia run facilitates this approach. We would also like to point out that competing tools such as COMMOT and SpatialDM do not offer the option to distribute the workload like Spacia. For datasets with large cell numbers (> 50k cells), this results in very long run times that cannot be accelerated, with runs potentially lasting days before throwing an error and failing.

Contact Us

If you have any suggestions/ideas for Spacia or are having issues trying to use it, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Noah Chang,

James Zhu,

Yunguan Wang,