yunlzheng / alertmanaer-dingtalk-webhook

Alertmanage dingtalk support
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alertmanage-dingtalk-support alertmanager dingtalk prometheus webhook

Alertmanager Dingtalk Webhook

Webhook service support send Prometheus 2.0 alert message to Dingtalk.

How To Use

cd cmd/webhook
go build
webhook -defaultRobot=
go run webhook.go -defaultRobot=

Or you can overwrite by add annotations to Prometheus alertrule to special the dingtalk webhook for each alert rule.

- name: hostStatsAlert
  - alert: hostCpuUsageAlert
    expr: sum(avg without (cpu)(irate(node_cpu{mode!='idle'}[5m]))) by (instance) > 0.85
    for: 1m
      severity: page
      summary: "Instance {{ $labels.instance }} CPU usgae high"
      description: "{{ $labels.instance }} CPU usage above 85% (current value: {{ $value }})"
      dingtalkRobot: ""