yunshiuan / label4MRI

Label the brain MNI coordinate by AAL/BA system
GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 20 forks source link
automated-anatomical-labeling brodmann-area-labeling mri mri-labeling

MRI-labeling: label human brain MRI image by AAL/BA system

<English version instruction comes first. (中文版本說明在後方)>


1. Why and when do I need the package?
2. How to use it? 
        Input MNI coordinates -> Output region names
3. How to install it? Simple easy!
4. Advanced issue: What if I have a hundred of MNI coordinates?
5. Other functions
    5.1 region_name_to_mni(): 
        Input region names -> Output MNI cooridnates
    5.2 list_brain_regions():
        List all brain region names in templates
    5.3 show_cluster_composition():
        Show the composition of a cluster of cooridinates


1. 何時我需要用到該套件呢 ?
2. 該怎麼使用該套件呢?
3. 如何安裝?非常簡單!
4. 進階議題:如果我有100個MNI座標呢?

1. Why and when do I need the package?

$aal.label [1] "Putamen_R"

$ba.distance [1] 0

$ba.label [1] "Right-Putamen (49)"

   - Example 2, when the mni coordinate does NOT have a corresponding region:

mni_to_region_name(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0)

$aal.distance [1] 7.81025

$aal.label [1] "Thalamus_L"

$ba.distance [1] 4.242641

$ba.label [1] "Left-Thalamus (50)"

 ### 3. How to install the package? Simple easy!
  #### Install via R command line.
  ###### *Please type the following codes in R command line*


install.packages("devtools") #This is only required for the first time*




install_github("yunshiuan/label4MRI") #This is also only required for the first time*



Step5: Install completed!

Try "mni_to_region_name(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0)", you should get the results as above.

 ### 4. Advanced issue: What if I have a hundred of MNI coordinates? (done within 10 seconds!)
##### When one has a hundred of MNI coordinates and want to know their corresponding AAL/BA region name, one could simply implement the following R codes:  
 - (1) Create a data frame which contains all the MNI coordinates.
    - "m" as a data frame, which contains 100 rows of MNI coordinates, along with 3 variables represent their MNI coordinates. "m$x" corresponds to the x value of MNI coordinate of the 100 MNI coordinates, and so on.  

     |mni_x | mni_y | mni_z|
     |------ | ------ | ----|
     |-2    | -19   | -16|
     |11    | 4  | -8|
     |3 | 4 | -19|

 - (2) Process the 100 MNI coordinates.
    - R code: **Result <- t(mapply(FUN = mni_to_region_name, x = m$x, y = m$y, z = m$z))**
- (3) Access the result.
    - Get the tidy format of the AAL/BA name of the 100 MNI coordinates.  
    - If you want to save it as a csv file for further usage.  
    --> write.csv(Result,"labeled_result.csv")

 ### 5. Other functions
- #### 5.1 **Input Region Names -> Output MNI Cooridnates**
region_name_to_mni(region_names, template = "aal")

- Input description: 
   - region_names: A character vector which indeicates the brain region names of interest. Use list_brain_regions() to see all brain region names defined by AAL/BA system.
   - template:
   One character value which indicates the templates to use ("aal" or "ba"). Use "aal" by default.
 - ##### **Example**

Get the MNI cooridnates of the right precentral region defined by AAL template

region_name_to_mni(region_names = "Precentral_R", template = "aal")

$aal.Precentral_R x y z 1 64 13 14 2 63 13 15 3 64 13 15 4 65 13 15 5 66 13 15 6 63 14 15 ... ...

 - #### 5.2 **List All Brain Region Names**
list_brain_regions(template = c("aal", "ba"))

- Input description: 
   - template:
   A character value which indicates the templates of interest ("aal" or "ba"). Use both of them by default.
 - ##### **Example**

Get the MNI cooridnates of the right precentral region defined by AAL template

list_brain_regions(template = "aal")

$aal [1] "Precentral_L" "Precentral_R" "Frontal_Sup_L"
[4] "Frontal_Sup_R" "Frontal_Sup_Orb_L" "Frontal_Sup_Orb_R"
[7] "Frontal_Mid_L" "Frontal_Mid_R" "Frontal_Mid_Orb_L"
[10] "Frontal_Mid_Orb_R" "Frontal_Inf_Oper_L" "Frontal_Inf_Oper_R"
[13] "Frontal_Inf_Tri_L" "Frontal_Inf_Tri_R" "Frontal_Inf_Orb_L"
... ...

  - #### 5.3 **Show Cluster Composition**
show_cluster_composition(coordinate_matrix, template = c("aal", "ba"))

- Input description: 
   - coordinate_matrix:
   A matrix of the size 3 x N, which N is the number of coordinates with the cluster of interest. Three rows correspond to the x, y, z MNI values of each coordinate.   
   - template:
   A character value which indicates the templates of interest ("aal" or "ba"). Use both of them by default.
 - ##### **Example**

Assume there is a cluster of brain coordinates that you want to know

its composition.

The cluster has 10 coordinates which MNI coordinates fall in the cube with

min corner [10, 10, -5] and max cormer [15, 15, 0]

set.seed(1) brain_matrix <- matrix(cbind( x = runif(n = 10, min = 10, max = 15), y = runif(n = 10, min = 10, max = 15), z = runif(n = 10, min = -5, max = 0) ), nrow = 3, byrow = T) show_cluster_composition(brain_matrix)

$aal.cluster.composition Number of coordinates Percentage (%) NULL 6 60 Caudate_R 2 20 Putamen_R 2 20

$ba.cluster.composition Number of coordinates Percentage (%) NULL 6 60 Right-Caudate (48) 4 40

 ### 1. 何時我需要用到該套件呢 ?:
 - 有時後MNI 座標非常多,希望能一次**知道所有MNI座標所對應的腦區名稱**為何。然而,目前的程式都是GUI介面(如:MRIcron,XJview,aal.toolbox),要手動一個一個按按鈕,當作標很多的時候很花時間,且也無法和R code鑲嵌再一起。目前似乎沒有人寫能在command line執行的function code。
 - 因此,我用Rcode寫了可以執行該功能的函數。歡迎有需要的人下載使用。該函數已被測試過,結果和MRIcron的完全相同,可以放心使用。此外,**該套件比MRIcron更厲害**,當MNI座標沒有直接對應的腦區名稱時,可以回報離它最近的腦區名稱以及對應的距離。

### 2. 套件說明:mni_to_region_name(x = x,y = y,z = z,distance = T)
- 例子一: *當MNI座標有直接對應的AAL/BA腦區名稱時*

mni_to_region_name(x = 26, y = 0, z = 0)

$aal.distance [1] 0

$aal.label [1] "Putamen_R"

$ba.distance [1] 0

$ba.label [1] "Right-Putamen (49)"

- 例子二: *當MNI座標 **沒有** 直接對應的AAL/BA腦區名稱時*

mni_to_region_name(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0)

$aal.distance [1] 7.81025

$aal.label [1] "Thalamus_L"

$ba.distance [1] 4.242641

$ba.label [1] "Left-Thalamus (50)"

- 描述: 
    - x, y, z : MNI 座標的x,y,z 值.
    - distance(預設 = T):若輸入的MNI座標不屬於任何AAL/BA腦區(如:落在腦室中),則會回報最接近的腦區名稱,以及和其的距離(mm)。當MNI座標屬於AAL/BA定義的腦區,則回報distance=0。

 ### 3. 如何安裝?非常簡單!
  ### 選項A(建議): 透過R指令安裝 
###### *請將以下的指令輸入R的指令視窗並執行*


install.packages("devtools") #該步驟僅在第一次安裝時需要




install_github("yunshiuan/label4MRI") #該步驟也僅在第一次安裝時需要



步驟五: 安裝完成!

測試看看 "mni_to_region_name(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0)", 你應該會看到上方的結果;

##### 當你有一百個MNI座標,並且想知道他們的AAL/BA腦區名稱時,你可以輕鬆地透過下方的R語言指令快速解決 (10秒完成100個座標!)。
 - (1) 創造一個data frame。裡面包含這一百個MNI座標的數值。
 -"m"是一個data frame,裡面包含這100個MNI座標的3個變數-x,y,z座標的值。"m$x"是這100個MNI座標的x值,以此類推。   

     mni_x | mni_y | mni_z 
    | ------ | ------ | ----|
    | -2| -19| -16|
    |11|4 | -8|

 - (2) 標記這一百個座標。
    - R 語言指令:  
    **Result <- t(mapply(FUN = mni_to_region_name,x = m$x,y = m$y,z = m$z))**
- (3) 取得結果  
    - 檢視結果:  
    - 如果想存成csv檔以供後續使用:  
    --> write.csv(Result, "Myresult.csv")