yuntianf / Longcell-pre

Preprocessing for single cell/Visium Nanopore long reads sequencing to generate isoform quantification
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This version of Longcell-pre has been deprecated. For the newest vresion, please refer to

Longcell-pre is a pipeline to analyze Nanopore long read sequencing dataset based on 10X single cell sequencing toolkit. This pipeline includes preprocessing to do barcode and unique molecular identifier (UMI) assignment to give an accurate isoform quantification. Based on the isoform quantification from Longcell-pre, our another pipeline Longcell incorporates downstream splicing analysis, including identification of highly variable exons and differential alternative splicing analysis between different cell populations.



git clone
cd ./Longcell-pre/scripts/
chmod a+x
cd ./BarcodeMatch/
g++ -O2 BarcodeMatch.cpp bc.cpp edit.cpp normal.cpp -o BarcodeMatch


  1. transform gtf to gene bed
  2. extract softclips and exon seq for each read
  3. identify cell barcodes from softclips
  4. combine cell barcodes with each read and filter out reads without barcodes
  5. UMI deduplication

optional step

  1. tranform exon bins to exon id (match the exon to the annotation in gene bed for more straightforward downstream analysis)
  2. save the quantification as sparse matrix (interface for downstream alternative splicing analysis in Longcell)

quick start

step1: transform gtf to gene bed

Rscript ./Auxiliary/gtf2bed.R -g gtf−ogtf -o bed_folder

This step will transform the isoform annotation in gtf into non-overlapping sub-exons and save it as a bed file for each gene. The output is a table with 5 columns, including:

  1. chromosome
  2. exon start
  3. exon end
  4. length
  5. strand


  1. gtf: The gtf annotation for corresponding organism, can easily be obtained from gencode
  2. bed_folder: The output folder to store bed files

step2: Single cell isoform quantification

./ -b bamfile−dbam_file -d bed_dir -w barcodewhitelist−cbarcode_whitelist -c cores_num -o $out_dir

This is an integrated pipeline to directly generate single cell isoform quantification from the bam. The output include three folders:

  1. barcode_match: stores the barcode match result
  2. cell_gene_splice_count: stores the single cell isoform count as a long table. Each isoform is representated by a sequence of exons. Each exon is representated by a bin of its start and end site.
  3. cell_gene_exon_count: stores the same information as cell_gene_splice_count, but in sparse matrix format. And exons are transformed to exon id with the reference of gene bed annotation from the $bed_dir



  1. -b, --bam: The bam file input
  2. -d, --bed: Input folder for bed annotations
  3. -w, --whitelist: Input barcode whitelist as the reference for barcode matching
  4. -c, --cores: The number of cores to parallel the process
  5. -o, --outdir: The path to store the output files



  1. -h, --help: print the parameter information
  2. -t, --toolkit: The 10X toolkit for library preparation (The location of the cell barcode and UMI in the read), default as 5'
  3. -L, --blen: the length of the cell barcode, default as 16
  4. -l, --ulen: the length of the UMI, default as 10

detailed explanation for each step

step2: extract softclips and exon seq for each read from the bam file

python ./SoftclipsExon/ -b bam−tbam -t toolkit -g bed−obed -o outdir/exon_reads/

This step will extract reads from the bam within the designated region annotated in the bed file. Usually this order will just extract reads for one gene and we parallel this process with GNU to traverse all bed files in the bash file.

find bedfolder−nameEN∗.bed|parallel−jbed_folder -name EN*.bed | parallel -j cores python ./SoftclipsExon/ -b bam−tbam -t toolkit -g {} -o $outdir/exon_reads/
find $outdir/exon_reads/ -name "*" -type f -size 0c | xargs -n 1 rm -f
cat outdir/exonreads/EN∗.bed>outdir/exon_reads/EN*.bed > outdir/exon_reads/exon_reads.txt



  1. --bam,-b: The input bam file to extract reads
  2. --gene_bed,-g: The exon annotation for a gene
  3. --toolkit,-t: the location of barcodes and UMI, 5 or 3 prime
  4. --out_path,-o: the folder to store output files

The output exon_read.txt is a table with 7 columns, including:

  1. read name
  2. softclips: 55 bp nearby the mapped region for 5' toolkit, or nearby the polyA/T for 3' toolkit
  3. gene id
  4. splice sites: each read is represented by a series of bins seperated by |, each bin indicates an exon
  5. status: indicates if the mapping of a read exceeds the range of the gene
  6. polyA: if a read has over 15 A within a 20bp bin
  7. strand

step3: barcode match

cut -f 1,2 outdir/exonreads/exonreads.txt>outdir/exon_reads/exon_reads.txt > outdir/softclips/softclips.txt
python ./BarcodeMatch/ -q outdir/softclips/softclips.txt−coutdir/softclips/softclips.txt -c barcodes -o "outdir/barcode_match/bc.txt" -co outdir/barcode_match/bc.txt" -co cores

This step will identify the cell barcode in the softclips from the long reads with the reference of barcode whitelist. Here we applied two methods to speed this process up, and the intersection of their results can provide the highest correct ratio.



  1. --seq,-q: The input softclips
  2. --barcodes,-c: The barcode whitelist from short reads sequencing (please remove the "-1" tail before using it as input)
  3. --output,-o: the output filename


  1. --kmer,-k: k for kmer overlap between softclips and barcodes, which is used to filter barcode candidates,default as 8
  2. --mu,-u: imputated start postions of barcodes, default as 20
  3. --sigma,-s: start standard deviation of ditribution of start postions, default as 10 to cover the total softclip
  4. --batch,-b: the number of softclips to manipulate at the same time, the parameters of start position distribution will update after each batch
  5. --cores,-c: the number of CPUs to use, default as 1.

The output bc.txt is a table with 2 columns, including:

  1. read id: reads without identified barcode will be omitted
  2. read name
  3. cell barcode
  4. barcode start position in the softclip
  5. edit distance of the cell barcode between the softclip and barcode whitelist

step4: combine cell barcodes with each read and filter out reads without barcodes

Rscript ./BarcodeMatch/barcode_merge.R outdir/barcode_match/bc.txt outdir/barcode_match/bc.txt outdir/exon_reads/exon_reads.txt num num outdir/sub_cell_exon/

This step merge identified barcodes with corresponding reads and filter out reads with no or more than 1 barcode. The output will be splited into subfiles for parallization in UMI deduplication step. As the UMI deduplication treats the gene as the minimal unit, the number of subfiles couldn't exceed the number of genes.



  1. The input barcode match result
  2. The input exon seq for each read (output from step 2)
  3. the number of files to be subsetted
  4. the output directory

The output is a table with 9 columns, including:

  1. read name
  2. cell barcode
  3. barcode start position in the softclip
  4. edit distance of the cell barcode between the softclip and barcode whitelist
  5. gene name
  6. exon sequence for each read
  7. reads status
  8. polyA existence
  9. strand

step5: UMI deduplication

Rscript script−cscript -c outdir/sub_cell_exon/sub_cell_exon.*.txt -u UMIlen−sUMI_len -s thresh -o $outdir/cell_gene_splice_count/

This step does UMI deduplication for each gene in single cell. The correction for wrong mapping and truncations is also embedded in this step. This step loops over all sub_cell_exons.txt output from step4, thus it's simple to be paralleled. As correction for wrong mapping should integrate UMI clusters from all cells, the minimal unit in parallelization is a gene for all cells.



  1. --cell_exon,-c: The input sub cell exon output from step4
  2. --outfile,-o: The output file name


  1. --barlen,-b: The length of the cell barcode
  2. --umilen,-u: The length of UMI
  3. --flank,-f: The flank to extract UMI to be tolerant to insertions and deletions
  4. --thresh,-s: threshold for the similarity between UMI, usually can be set as umilen+2×flank2\frac{umilen+2\times flank}{2}
  5. --splice_site_thresh,-ss: threshold to filter out infrequent splice sites

The output sub_cell_gene_splice_count.*.txt is a table with 7 columns, including:

  1. cell barcode
  2. isoform: each isoform is representated by a sequence of exon bins (seperated by |). Each exon is representated by its start and end sites (seperated by ",")
  3. size: The raw count of valid reads
  4. cluster: The count after UMI clustering
  5. dedup: The count after UMI clustering and singleton filtering
  6. polyA: The ratio of polyA existence within the UMI cluster
  7. gene id

optional step6: trasform exon bins to exon id

Rscript ./spliceob/createExonList.R outdir/cellgenesplicecount/outdir/cell_gene_splice_count/ bed_folder/gene_bed.rds $outdir/cell_gene_exon_count/sub_cell_gene_exon_count.*.txt
awk 'FNR>1 || NR==1' outdir/cellgeneexoncount/subcellgeneexoncount.∗.txt>outdir/cell_gene_exon_count/sub_cell_gene_exon_count.*.txt > outdir/cell_gene_exon_count/cell_gene_exon_count.txt

This step transforms the exon bins to exon id given the input bed annotation. Bed annotation could be canonical or self-made from the data. This step loops over all files in the input folder, which is output from step 5, thus it's also paralleled by GNU.



  1. input folder: output folder from step5
  2. gene bed annotation: should be an RDS of a dataframe, including all interested genes. If no special requirement, the gene_bed.rds output from step1 can be directly used
  3. output file name

The output sub_cell_gene_exon_count.*.txt is generally the same as sub_cell_gene_splice_count.*.txt, except for the representation of isoforms.

optional step7: save the data for Longcell

Rscript ./spliceob/saveExonList.R outdir/cellgeneexoncount/cellgeneexoncount.txtoutdir/cell_gene_exon_count/cell_gene_exon_count.txt outdir/cell_gene_exon_count/



  1. input file: output file from step6
  2. output folder

This step stores the single cell isoform expression as a sparse matrix to save memory, which is also the input format for Longcell.

For the tutorial of downstream alternative splicing analysis, please refer to the vignette:


If you use Longcell for published work, please cite our manuscript:

Single cell and spatial alternative splicing analysis with long read sequencing
Yuntian Fu, Heonseok Kim, Jenea I. Adams, Susan M. Grimes, Sijia Huang, Billy T. Lau, Anuja Sathe, Paul Hess, Hanlee P. Ji, Nancy R. Zhang
bioRxiv 2023.02.23.529769; doi: