yuqili3 / NPGD_linear_inverse_prob

GAN-based Projector for Faster Recovery in Linear Inverse Problems
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GAN-based Projector for Faster Recovery with Convergence Guarantees in Linear Inverse Problems.

This repository provides code for this paper: GAN-based Projector for Faster Recovery with Convergence Guarantees in Linear Inverse Problems.


Linux system, a GPU

  1. Python 3.4
  2. Pytorch 1.2.0
  3. numpy
  4. matplotlib
  5. imageio
  6. scikit-image
  7. scikit-learn
  8. requests
  9. torchvision


  1. Create a conda virtual environment and install packages

    conda create --name NPGD python=3.4
    conda activate NPGD
    conda install pytorch=1.2.0 imageio=2.6.1 matplotlib=3.1.1 numpy=1.17.2 scikit-image=0.15.0 scikit-learn=0.21.3 requests=2.22.0 torchvision=0.4.0 
  2. Clone this repo

    git clone https://github.com/yuqili3/NPGD_linear_inverse_prob.git
    cd NPGD_linear_inverse_prob
  3. Download the dataset as well as the test images, we need to crop and resize the faces from the original images.

    unzip celebAtest.zip -d data/celebA/testing_images
    unzip mnisttest.zip -d data/mnist/
    python download_data.py celebA
    rm -rf ./data/celebA/celebA_data_raw
    rm ./data/celebA/celebA_data.zip

    this may take several minutes to download the large file

  4. Train the network projector models.

    1. for mnist dataset, train a DCGAN first and then a concatenated network projector:
      python MNIST_DCGAN.py --k=100 --epochs=40 --lr=1e-4
      python MNIST_invDCGAN_multi_task_loss.py --k=100 --epochs=100 --lr=1e-4 --lamda=0.1 --sigma=1
    2. for celebA dataset:
      python CELEBA_DCGAN.py --k=100 --epochs=40 --lr=1.5e-4
      python CELEBA_invDCGAN_multi_task_loss.py --k=100 --epochs=100 --lr=1e-4 --lamda=0.1 --sigma=1


  1. Compressed sensing using random Gaussian matrix

    • mnist
      python MNIST_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=cs --m=100 --designed=0  --lr=1 --ite=30 --info=1
    • celebA
      python CELEBA_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=cs --m=1000 --designed=0  --lr=0.5 --ite=30 --info=1
  2. Image inpainting

    • mnist
      python MNIST_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=ip --mask_size=8 --lr=2 --ite=30 --info=1
    • celebA
      python CELEBA_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=ip --mask_size=32 --lr=1 --ite=30 --info=1
  3. Image super resolution

    • mnist
      python MNIST_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=sr --sr_ratio=2 --lr=6 --ite=30 --info=1
    • celebA
      python CELEBA_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=sr --sr_ratio=2 --lr=6 --ite=30 --info=1
  4. Use a designed matrix in compressed sensing

    • mnist

      python design_measurement_matrix.py --dataset=MNIST --k=100
      python MNIST_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=cs --m=200 --designed=1 --lr=1 --ite=30 --info=1
    • celebA

      python design_measurement_matrix.py --dataset=CELEBA --k=100
      python CELEBA_projection_using_inv_gen.py --k=100 --task=cs --m=1000 --designed=1 --lr=1 --ite=30 --info=1