yurrriq / emotisongs

There’s a song for that!™
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link



** Introduction


Eric you need to start a web service or app that posts a song linked to how you are feeling. I swear you have a song for every possible emotion or a reply to someone.


-- [[https://github.com/grahamrj][@grahamrj]]


That is a GREYT idea. It shall be done, eventually.


-- [[https://github.com/yurrriq][@yurrriq]]

** Installation Just add it to your =rebar.config= deps:

+BEGIN_SRC erlang

{deps, [ ... {emotisongs, {git, "git://github.com/yurrriq/emotisongs.git", {branch, "develop"}}} ]}.


And then do the usual:


$ rebar3 compile


** Usage To be determined...