yurrriq / shen_run

Command line REPL for running Shen.
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Shen REPL trampoline.

It loads a ~/.shen.shen initialization file, which is convenient for modulesys users. It can execute Shen scripts, allowing them to access command line arguments. Error output is written to stderr.


For each Shen implementation, you can build separate version of shen_run. If you want to build shen_run for shen-sbcl then

mkdir include/sbcl
cp include/config.def.h include/sbcl/config.h.

Edit include/sbcl/config.h to match your configuration. Then type

make impl=sbcl

to build shen_run_sbcl.

N.B. The default impl is sbcl.


Your script must have an entry function main, which accepts command line parameters in one argument of type (list string) and returns a boolean indicating success status. You can run that script either by typing

shen_run_[impl] your_script.shen argument1 argument2 ...

Or you can add a line

#!/usr/bin/env shen_run

at the top of your script and make it executable

chmod +x your_script.shen

Then you can run it as any other program:

./your_script.shen argument1 argument2 ...


Located at src/example.shen.

#!/usr/bin/env shen_run_sbcl

(define show-args
  [] _ -> _
  [X | R] I -> (let - (output "  ~A: ~S~%" I X)
                 (show-args R (+ I 1))))

(define main
  [] -> (error "Not enough arguments.")
  ["-preved" | _] -> false
  Args -> (let - (output "Arguments~%")
               - (show-args Args 0)
               - (output "End~%")