yurtemre7 / mouse-battery

Get your mouse battery level in a windows system tray icon
MIT License
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Charging status #6

Closed bossman90 closed 4 months ago

bossman90 commented 4 months ago

It would be great to implement charging status. I've made some code changes for this - you can review it if its optimized or something

# Import the essential modules
import rivalcfg, pystray, os, time, threading
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw

# Our state variables
last_update = None
battery_level = None
battery_charging = None
icon = None
stopped = False
event = None

# Change the time_delta to your liking
time_delta = 10 * 3  # 60s * 10 = 600s = 10min
time_error = 60 * 0.2  # 60s * 0.2 = 12s

directory = f"{os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))}/"
image_directory = f"{directory}images/"

# Fuction to create the menu
def create_menu(name, battery_level, last_update, battery_charging):
    return pystray.Menu(
            f"Name: {name}",
            lambda: None,
            f"Battery: {str(f'{battery_level}%' if battery_level is not None else 'N/A')}",
            lambda: None,
            "Status: Charging" if battery_charging is True and battery_level < 95 else 'Status: Charged' if battery_charging is True and battery_level == 95 else 'Status: Discharging',
            lambda: None,
            "Last update: "
            + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.localtime(last_update))
            + f" (click to refresh or wait {time_delta if battery_level is not None else 1 / 20}s)",
        pystray.MenuItem("Quit", quit_app),

# Function to load the images
def load_image(image_name):
    return Image.open(f"{image_directory}{image_name}.png")

# Function to get the battery data
def get_battery(event: threading.Event):
    global stopped, icon, battery_level, last_update, battery_charging
    while not stopped:
            mouse = rivalcfg.get_first_mouse()
            print(f"Mouse found {mouse}")
            if mouse is None:
                print("No mouse found")
                time.sleep(1 / 20)
                raise Exception

            battery = mouse.battery
            battery = mouse.battery

            print(f"Mouse battery {battery}")

            if battery is not None:
                name = mouse.name
                if battery["level"] is not None:
                    battery_level = max(min(battery["level"], 100), 0)
                    last_update = time.time()
                    battery_charging = battery["is_charging"]
                icon.icon = create_battery_icon()
                icon.menu = create_menu(name, battery_level, last_update, battery_charging)
                icon.title = f"Battery: {str(f'{battery_level}%' if battery_level is not None else 'N/A')}"
                sleeptime = time_delta if battery["level"] is not None else 1 / 20
                print("No battery found")
                time.sleep(1 / 20)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}\n\nSleeping for {time_error} seconds...")
    print("Stopping thread")

# Änderungen in der Funktion create_battery_icon
def create_battery_icon():
    global battery_level
    global battery_charging
    image = Image.new("RGB", (100, 100), color="white")
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)

    draw.rectangle((0, 0, 100, 100), fill="black")
    error = load_image("no_error")

    if battery_level is not None and battery_level == 95 and battery_charging is True:
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, 100, 100), fill="black")
        draw.rectangle((0, 100 - battery_level, 100, 100), fill="purple")
    elif battery_level is not None and battery_charging is False:
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, 100, 100), fill="black")
        draw.rectangle((0, 100 - battery_level, 100, 100), fill="green")
    elif battery_level is not None and battery_charging is True:
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, 100, 100), fill="black")
        draw.rectangle((0, 100 - battery_level, 100, 100), fill="orange")
    elif battery_level is not None and battery_level < 50 and battery_charging is False:
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, 100, 100), fill="black")
        draw.rectangle((0, 100 - battery_level, 100, 100), fill="yellow")
    elif battery_level is not None and battery_level < 20 and battery_charging is False:
        draw.rectangle((0, 0, 100, 100), fill="black")
        draw.rectangle((0, 100 - battery_level, 100, 100), fill="red")
        error = load_image("error")

    image.paste(error, (0, 0), error)

    image = image.convert("RGBA")
    data = image.getdata()
    new_data = []
    for item in data:
        if item[0] == 0 and item[1] == 0 and item[2] == 0:
            new_data.append((255, 255, 255, 0))

    return image

def refresh_connection():
    global event

# This function is called when you click on the quit button
def quit_app(icon, item):
    global stopped
    stopped = True

# This is the main function, where we initialize the system tray icon and start the thread
def main():
    global icon
    global event

    event = threading.Event()
    image = create_battery_icon()
    icon = pystray.Icon("Battery", icon=image, title="Battery: N/A")
    thread = threading.Thread(target=get_battery, args=(event,))
    thread.daemon = True
    icon.menu = pystray.Menu(
            "Looking for mouse and mouse data...",
            lambda: None,
        pystray.MenuItem("Quit", quit_app),

# Python boilerplate
if __name__ == "__main__":
yurtemre7 commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your efforts! I had this in mind, but the overall problem was that that needed a shorter update interval. My previous default value was 10 min now I have reduced it to 1 min in order for the effect of charging being visible in a reasonable amount of time. I hope you like my adjustments here: https://github.com/yurtemre7/mouse-battery/commit/a08a4ec52205b61daa3f2bae18b1cf7159ec110a

Will release soon after this comment!

bossman90 commented 4 months ago

Looks really good! One thing to consider is to add "charging finished" feature to know when you can unplug the mouse. I've noticed that my mouse can't be charged to 100% but 95% - that's why I've changed the code to:


if battery_level is not None and battery_level == 95 and battery_charging is True:
        draw.rectangle((0, 100 - battery_level, 100, 100), fill="purple")