yusuketomoto / chainer-fast-neuralstyle

Chainer implementation of "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution".
MIT License
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Chainer implementation of "Perceptual Losses for Real-Time Style Transfer and Super-Resolution"

Fast artistic style transfer by using feed forward network.

checkout resize-conv branch which provides better result.



Download VGG16 model and convert it into smaller file so that we use only the convolutional layers which are 10% of the entire model.

sh setup_model.sh


Need to train one image transformation network model per one style target. According to the paper, the models are trained on the Microsoft COCO dataset.

python train.py -s <style_image_path> -d <training_dataset_path> -g <use_gpu ? gpu_id : -1>


python generate.py <input_image_path> -m <model_path> -o <output_image_path> -g <use_gpu ? gpu_id : -1>

This repo has pretrained models as an example.

Transfer only style but not color (--keep_colors option)

python generate.py <input_image_path> -m <model_path> -o <output_image_path> -g <use_gpu ? gpu_id : -1> --keep_colors

A collection of pre-trained models

Fashizzle Dizzle created pre-trained models collection repository, chainer-fast-neuralstyle-models. You can find a variety of models.

Difference from paper

No Backward Compatibility

Jul. 19, 2016

This version is not compatible with the previous versions. You can't use models trained by the previous implementation. Sorry for the inconvenience!




Codes written in this repository based on following nice works, thanks to the author.