Hi Yuval,
Congratulations on the great work with Coreference Resolution model.
Unfortunately, I do not have Ontonotes dataset and am using my .txt file. I am unable to find any useful link to convert .txt file into conll 2012 format. I tried using conll u format for training but did not succeed. It would be great if you can answer the following questions:
1.) Which tool can be used to annotate the text to match the coreferences
2.) Can your packages handle custom training
Hi Yuval, Congratulations on the great work with Coreference Resolution model.
Unfortunately, I do not have Ontonotes dataset and am using my .txt file. I am unable to find any useful link to convert .txt file into conll 2012 format. I tried using conll u format for training but did not succeed. It would be great if you can answer the following questions:
1.) Which tool can be used to annotate the text to match the coreferences 2.) Can your packages handle custom training
Looking forward to your response.
Thanks and Regards Marur Srikanta