yuvipanda / notebooksharing.space

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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The fastest way to share your notebook with someone.


Product focus

I want to build focused products that can be reasonably marked 'complete'. They should do one thing, and one thing very well.

For NotebookSharing.space, that would be:

Be the fastest way to share your notebook with someone.

So we optimize for the speed of the process of sharing - so it includes the upload experience, as well as the experience of the viewer viewing exactly what the uploader wanted to show them. All prioritization decisions should be made based on this.

How to upload your notebook

There are two ways to share your Notebooks

  1. You can upload your notebook easily via the web interface at notebooksharing.space (No Sign up required)
  2. nbss-upload Command-Line Tool


nbss-upload is available on PyPI, and can be installed with pip.

pip install nbss-upload


Simply call it with the path to the notebook you want to upload.

$ nbss-upload test.ipynb

This will upload the notebook and return the URL you can use to share it with others.

By default, only users who you share the URL with can access the notebook - it will not be visible to search engines. Annotations will also be turned off by default to help fight abuse.

You can enable annotations via hypothes.is by passing --enable-annotations or -a. The notebook can be made discoverable to search engines by passing --enable-discovery or -d.

All notebook formats supported by notebooksharing.space - .ipynb, .rmd, .html are supported.