yuz0101 / aioTrends

Fetching Google Trends in an async. way
MIT License
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aiohttp api async asynchronous asyncio fetch-api google googletrends python pytrends trends



This is a project for asynchronously obtaining data from google trends in an efficient way. Inspired by pytrends, I am developing this project based on a asynchronous framework, asyncio, and a related module, aiohttp.

The logic behind this project is to firstly build a cookies pool, then obtain and store the tokenized queries (wrapped inside the widgets) in another pool, and lastly retreive the data with widgets from the widget pool.

Only data of interest over time is tested and avaiable now.

Pros & Cons





Settings can be customized by amending the settings.json under the foler settings.

An example input of queries is given under the data folder.

An example of proxies file is given under the proxies folder.

The file userAgents.json is from Said-Ait-Driss.

Before Start

I. Initial stage

  1. Install Python version at least 3.10 if you don't have one, I use python 3.11 in this example
  2. Install package via pip command line. (On macOS's terminal or WindowsOS's CMD)
    pip install aioTrends
    pip install virtualenv
  3. Create a virtual environment, named as atenv, for running python3.11 without affecting your other setups.
    where python3.11

    copy the path to python 3.11 and replace below path

    virtualenv -p /path/to/python3.11 atenv
  4. Activate the virtual environment

On Windows:


On macOS and Linux:

source atenv/bin/activate
  1. Install aioTrends ****

the package must be installed under the environment of python 3.10+

pip install aioTrends
  1. Checking if installed properly. The programme will creat folders, please follow the instructions given by the programme.
    cd path/to/your/working/path
    import aioTrends as at
  2. Amend the settings.json under the folder 'settings'.
  3. Paste proxies to the proxies.txt under the folder 'proxies'.
  4. Get userAgents.json file from Said-Ait-Driss and past it under the folder 'settings'.

Getting Started

II. Setup a queries file

import pickle
qrys = {
    0: {'keywords': ['AAPL'], 'periods': '2007-01-01 2007-08-31', 'freq': 'D'},
    1: {'keywords': ['AMZN'], 'periods': 'all', 'freq': 'M'},
    2: {'keywords': ['AAPL', 'AMZN'], 'periods': 'all', 'freq': 'M'},
    10000: {'keywords': ['MSFT'], 'periods': '2004-01-01 2022-12-31', 'freq': 'M'}

pickle.dump(qrys, open('./data/qrys.pkl', 'wb'))

Alternatively, function formQueries would form the query dataset based on the list of keywords you give.

from aioTrends import formQueries
from datetime import date
import pickle

qrys = formQueries(keywords=['AMZN', 'MSFN'], start='2004-01-01', end=date.today(), freq='D')
pickle.dump(qrys, open('./data/qrys.pkl', 'wb'))

III. Create a py script named as example.py

import aioTrends as at

#Step 0: Set the log file. Other settings can be customized by amending the settings.json under the folder settings.

#Step 1: collect 1000 cookies with 100 cocurrent tasks. Cocurrent tasks amount can be customized.

#Step 2: get widgets with 100 cocurrent tasks. Cocurrent tasks can be customized.

#Step 3: get data with 100 cocurrent tasks. Cocurrent tasks can be customized.

Alternatively, you can use below one line for forming queries and getting daily scaled data or monthly data.

import aioTrends as at
from datetime import date

qry_list = ['AMZN', 'AAPL', 'MSFT']

# running 50 cocurrent tasks
ataio = at.Aio(50)

df = ataio.getScaledDailyData(
    keywords=qry_list, # the query keyword list
    filename='test.csv', # json and pickle are both supported
    start='2004-01-01', # both datetime and str are supported

fig = df.plot(figsize=(16,8), title='TEST_SCALED_DAILY_DATA').get_figure()

df_m = ataio.getMonthlyData(
fig = df_m.plot(figsize=(16,8), title='TEST_MONTHLY_DATA').get_figure()

IV. Run the above example.py file on your terminal or cmd (The code need to be running under the python 3.10+ environment)

python example.py

Monthly Data Scaled Daily Data